jdi@psuvax.UUCP (05/30/84)
Yet another site gets caught in the wave of conversion... Site psuvax will be down from June 5 to June 10 for conversion to 4.2BSD. As a side question, our 780 is called 'psuvax' on UUCP and 'psuvax1' on most everything else. How hard would it be to convert our UUCP name from 'psuvax' to 'psuvax1'? -- Spoken: John D. Irwin AT&T: 814-237-5068 Bitnet: jdi@psuvax1.BITNET Csnet: jdi@penn-state.CSNET Uucp: {akgua, allegra, cornell, princeton, ihnp4, burdvax}!psuvax!jdi