spaf@gt-stratus.UUCP (Gene Spafford) (12/26/85)
Well, this week the campus is closed up and all the employees have the week off. Evidently, "gatech", our campus gateway machine, decided that it should have the week off too. That's probably why it developed a mysterious memory problem on the 23rd and went down. Due to the nature of the problem and the fact that the computer building is officially closed this week, it is entirely possible that "gatech" will remain down until the 30th or beyond. We'll do what we can to effect repairs before then, but the situation is not promising. In the meantime, any urgent mail for anyone on a Georgia Tech machine can be sent via "...!{akgua,seismo}!gt-stratus!machine" and it should not be queued until "gatech" comes back online, but should be delivered immediately (in most cases). Note, however, that most people on campus won't be reading their mail until next week. Urgent mail for "gatech!postmaster" can be mailed to "gt-stratus!postmaster" for the same results. Happy Holidays to all. -- Gene "early in 86" Spafford The Clouds Project, School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 CSNet: Spaf @ GATech ARPA: Spaf%GATech.CSNet @ Relay.CS.NET uucp: ...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf
spaf@gatech.CSNET (Gene Spafford) (12/29/85)
"gatech" is now back after a long winter's nap. -- Gene "the end is in sight" Spafford The Clouds Project, School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0280 CSNet: Spaf @ GATech ARPA: Spaf%GATech.CSNet @ Relay.CS.NET uucp: ...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf