[net.news.config] VMS implemenation of News software and UUCP

wpl@burdvax.UUCP (03/09/86)

SWORD at Villanova University is taking on a long range goal of implementing
the USENET software and UUCP software for VMS.

I am looking for anyone who has done any work in this area, since we do not
want to re-invent the wheel.  I know about Eunice and their system, but we
want a VMS based system.

I heard rumors about a UUCP for VMS.  Does anyone have information?

William Loftus   ...!ihnp4!psuvax1!vu-vlsi!excalibur!sword

ps (We have started implemenation of some of the news and mail software,
    replacing parts of an existing system running under Eunice)
     /         /======/     		Ronin   ..!burdvax!wpl
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