[net.news.config] GaTech file problems

spaf@gatech.CSNET (Gene Spafford) (04/03/86)

Last night, one of our less-than-sophisticated users tried to spool
a 21Mb file of <something> to the printer.  Unfortunately, there was
just enough room on the /usr/spool partition to hold the file.
Since we have a slow printer, /usr/spool was filled
up until this morning when staff arrived and discovered a box
of printer paper emptied around an overheated lineprinter.

I cannot find any record of our uucp tossing away files here while
the disk was full, but that doesn't prove it didn't happen.  If you
mailed something to or through "gatech" from about 5pm yesterday
to about 10am this morning, consider that it may have been lost and
resend it if it was critical.
Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Spaf @ GATech		ARPA:	Spaf%GATech.CSNet @ Relay.CS.NET
uucp:	...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf