[net.news.config] cbosgd is back

mark@cbosgd.UUCP (Mark Horton) (05/10/86)

After being muzzled for 6 weeks, we now have 4 of 5 dialers working
and things seem to be more-or-less back to normal on cbosgd.

In case you're wondering about the fix, so are we.  Several Penrils
and two AT&T 2224's were unable to dial out properly at 1200 baud
(characters they transmitted at 1200 baud were run together, and
nulls transmitted caused immediate hangup) and the 2224's dialing
out at 2400 baud thought everything was busy.  I plugged a USRobotics
Courier into the same lines and it worked happily at 1200 and 2400
baud.  Then, when the telco person was watching, the Penril lines
suddenly started working again, and have been working since.  The
telco person suggests that they may have done something at the
central office, perhaps replacing some fuses that were marginal.

The fifth dialer always says "NO DIAL TONE", probably a broken or
loose wire.  Since everything is rack mounted with 50 pin connectors,
this will be a while to track down.  But it's no big deal.

We've still been having trouble with seismo - the line drops after
a few minutes, the same symptoms Rick describes with ihnp4.  However,
after two solid days of retrying in a shell loop:
	while true
		/usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -sseismo
		sleep 30
the queue on both ends was cleared out.  Things with seismo appear
OK again from here.
