[net.lang] Programming Languages for Women ?

wapd (10/22/82)

	The following is a quote from the "Careers" section of the
New York Times, 10/17/82.  It is from a Dr. Galanter of the
Children's Computer School.

	"Computers can be programmed to provide different formats
arriving at the same solution to problems.  Many formats
chosen by programmers - mostly men - have been chosen to
conform to men's talents and skills.  There is no reason why
computers can't be programmed with women's skills.  Women
would then excel."

	Is the thrust of this that today's programming languages
are male-oriented and that females would prefer some other languages ?
Or is a "format" the overall structure of a program, and men and
women tend to solve the same problem in different ways ?  Has anyone
noticed anything to support either of these interpretations ?
That is, do women in general prefer Pascal to C (pick any two
languages with roughly the same capabilities for roughly the same
applications) ?  Do women in general write programs more modularly,
or more concurrently, or more something-or-other than men ?  Is the
whole quote way off base ?

						Bill Dietrich

heliotis (11/01/82)

(sorry, I just read this)

What bothers me is the phrase "... Women would *then* excell.", as if
they are having problems doing so currently.

						Jim Heliotis