andree@uokvax.UUCP (11/19/83)
#N:uokvax:9000004:000:729 uokvax!andree Nov 17 15:23:00 1983 Here is a Merry Chirstmas program in CLU: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Print Merry Christmas 15 times. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start_up = proc () out : stream := stream$primary_input() for i : int in int$from_to(1, 15) do stream$putl(out, "Merry Christmas") end end start_up To avoid making this a total waste of net bandwidth, I'll take this chance to ask if there's someone (anyone?) else out there using CLU. Is there by some chance a net.lang.clu? <mike P.S. I don't have a favorite language. None of the ones available qualify. BASIC is a loss, Pascal not far behind. C is tolerable, but antiquated.
gs@mit-eddie.UUCP (Gordon Strong) (11/21/83)
At MIT, we use CLU extensively. This is due mainly to the fact that it was developed here, by Barbara Liskov, Bob Scheifler, et al. In fact, the major software engineering laboratory and the compiler course required for CS majors at MIT (6.170 and 6.035 for those of us at the 'tute) use CLU as the sole programming language. I think the language wins tremendously. It supports abstractions and user defined data types very nicely and has the *best* built-in exception handling support I've ever seen. I could continue for hours, but I'll hold off. If anyone is interested in CLU, I suggest they buy the CLU reference manual (one book in a series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, published by Spinger-Verlag). If anyone else on the net is interested in CLU, let me know; I'm interested in hearing what other people have done with the language (outside of MIT). -- Gordon Strong decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!gs GS@MIT-XX