[net.lang] CLU example

gs@mit-eddie.UUCP (Gordon Strong) (12/09/83)

As promised, here is a short CLU implementation of a stack.
There are some notes following the code.  

------begin code----

% a simple parameterized stack abstraction

stack = cluster[t:type] is create, push, pop, empty

    rep = array[t]		%a stack is represented as an array

    create = proc() returns(cvt)
	return(rep$[])		%returns an empty stack
	end create

    push = proc(s:cvt,elt:t)
	rep$addh(s,elt)		%adds an element to the top of the stack
	end push

    pop = proc(s:cvt) returns(t) signals(empty_stack)
	return(rep$remh(s))		%pops the stack
	   except when bounds:		%except when the stack is empty
		       signal empty_stack
	end pop

    empty = proc(s:cvt) returns(bool)
	return(rep$empty(s))		%is the stack empty?
	end empty

    end stack

----end code-----
Procedures are called externally by specifying the module and procedure
name (e.g stack$push(stk,var) -- in general, module$proc(args).

A few notes:  the stack can be of any type.  You choose the type when
you create the stack (e.g. s=stack[int]$create() ).  Notice how use
is made of built-in CLU operations for dealing with arrays (addh, remh,
empty).  The choice of the rep is an important consideration in CLU, as
it influences the ease of coding.  Wherever 'rep' is used, array[t] is
substituted.  The actual type is chosen when it is used (i.e. in the
same program, you can have different stacks of different types, all
using the same abstraction).  You can also see how exception handling
works in the pop procedure.  When an error occurs (such as trying to
remove an element from an empty stack) an exception is raised.  These
signals can be caught and resignaled.  This is a very neat and clean
mechanism for dealing with exceptions.  Remember this is a very simple
module, but it does give you an idea of how the abstractions work.

If anyone wants to see other examples, let me know.

Gordon Strong