mcdaniel@uiuccsb.UUCP (02/17/84)
#N:uiuccsb:8900005:000:1379 uiuccsb!mcdaniel Feb 16 15:26:00 1984 Here at the University of Illinois (Urbanana-Champaign), we are designing an implementation language for the kernel of the Cedar multiprocessor. Perforce, I am stuck with figuring out what features this language should have. Please assist me. Define FDL to mean "FORTRAN-derived language"; i. e., ALGOL, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/I, BASIC, C, ADA, PASCAL, and any other of this type of language that you can think of. (Imperative languages of the FORTRAN persuasion, as it were.) Smalltalk, Prolog, et cetera, need not apply. Please ***MAIL TO ME*** your answers to/comments on the following questions: * What features do you like the most in all of the FDLs that you know? * What MISfeatures do you DISlike the most in all of the FDLs that you know? I know that these are very general questions, and I don't want dissertations. You can indicate broadly the (MIS)features: "strong typing", "dangling else", et cetera. Also, indicate whether you like the feature or not (e. g., some C people dislike strong typing). I would like pointers to theses, books, articles, et cetera. AGAIN, PLEASE MAIL ANY COMMENTS. I SWEAR TO DIGEST AND SUMMARIZE AND POST RESULTS. IF YOU POST YOUR COMMENTS, IT'LL JUST BE USELESS REDUNDANCY. I believe that you can reach me at: USENET: ...!{pur-ee|parsec}!uiucdcs!mcdaniel CSNET: mcdaniel.uiuc@rand-relay (flaky, though) Thank you.