mark@harvard.UUCP (Mark Lentczner) (06/20/84)
( :-( I'm being eaten by a boa-line-eater... ) While I did not take the Harvard Course in SCHEME nor did I TF it, I am fairly well aquainted with it. My first thought is that it is a bit of an exaggeration to call SCHEME, as it was taught, an Object-Oriented language. If i'm not mistaken, only a few of the problem sets were really done in the object style. I do not think that CPU intensive languages and/or projects should be a major factor in intro. course design. Sure, we all want all of the 300+ students to get enough system time, and we are all concerned about response (as fustrated students are rarely interested students). But, I agree strongly with the person (I missed the name) that talked about intro. CS to be about CS thinking and concepts, not one language or another. And as such, neither object-oriented nor procedural are approriate single handedly. But, all disciplines should be introduced. I have no desire to drum up arguments-of-force about which method of programming is best, I think that that is a sensless waste of time (as is calling teaching anything but object-oriented brain-dammaged). In the end there is the underlying CS principles that are what an intro. course is trying to get accross (I hope so, at least), and not any particular language/system's scripture. I agree that it is bad that there is a group of CS students that feel that C/Unix is the height of everything. But they shoudln't think that objects are everything either, nor Pascal, nor Lisp. The languages and systems are only the means, it is the ways that are important. Now, of course I realize that there are certian practical limits to the number of systems and languages that can be taught in a terms worth of intro CS. But, at lease the dogma aspect of the language used could be removed. Maybe using two languages throught the term. Or, having different sections of the class work in different languages... (hmm, i just thought of that, sort of interesting) Lastly, an anecdote: It always strikes be funny when someone says that they don't `know C' (for instance) but they do `know PASCAL'. I find people use these terms not to mean that they don't know the particular syntax or primatives involved, but that they feel that they couldn't know how to program in it. It is as if they associate all the algorithms and concepts WITH the language and feel that there is some whole new set for each language. This is really sad. They have failed to learn what they know as CS concepts but as dogma for a particular language/system. oh, sorry to have gone on so long, but I felt I had to say it... -mark lentczner electronic music studio music department harvard university cambridge, ma 02138 lentczner@harvard {allegra,genrad,ihnp4,ima,ucbvax}!harvard!lentczner