liberte@uiucdcs.UUCP (07/02/84)
#R:fortune:-357200:uiucdcs:26400013:000:1026 uiucdcs!liberte Jun 17 23:13:00 1984 /**** uiucdcs:net.lang / gurr@west44 / 11:14 pm Jun 13, 1984 ****/ > ... You > should never be proud when you track down a bug in your > own program. It's like finding a cockroach in your > kitchen. You should be embarrassed and upset that it was > there in the first place. This philosophy is *dangerous*. ... Dave Gurr, Westfield College, Univ. of London, England. /* ---------- */ I quite agree. Although I am somewhat embarrassed and upset at the existence of a bug - more upset when it is not my bug - I am learning to take it in stride. However, I am proud and cheered to find the bugger, and I believe rightfully so. It is good work to fix things, no matter why they are busted. An important part of debugging is to track down why the bug exists - sniff out the crummy code - exclaim "pay dirt!" and clean up the mess. Easier said than done. Daniel LaLiberte (ihnp4!uiucdcs!liberte) U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Science {moderation in all things - including moderation}