boehm@uw-june (Hans Boehm) (04/10/85)
A preliminary Russell compiler and on-line manual is available. It may be obtained (for noncommercial purposes) using anonymous ftp from uw-june. "pub/russell" contains the manual and object for the compiler in "tar" format. The The file "installation" in the main directory contains installation instructions. ("pub/russell" is about 645K.) Russell is a language which treats both types and functions as first-class objects which may be manipulated by the program. It nonetheless allows compile-time type checking. The language was designed primarily by Alan Demers and Jim Donahue at Cornell. The compiler was developed at Cornell, the University of Washington, and Rice University, by Alan Demers and myself, with help from Jim Hook and Philip Matthews. If you would like a copy of the compiler, but do not have ftp access to uw-june, please send me mail. The same applies if you need source or have problems/questions with/about the compiler. (It requires much more effort on our part to distribute enough source to rebuild the compiler, primarily due to licensing problems. We may be talked into it if there is a sufficiently pressing reason.) I do not read netnews regularly, so please do not post questions there. Hans-J. Boehm boehm@washington boehm@rice uw-beaver!boehm