[net.lang] Ada Day at USENIX Conference: Call for Papers

cw@sftri.UUCP (C.S.Wetherell) (07/23/85)

			AdarO and the UNIXTM System


       On January 17, 1986, USENIX will	devote one day of its
       annual winter conference	(in Denver this	year) to an
       examination of the Ada language and its relation	to the UNIX
       system.	We solicit papers for presentation during this day;
       topics might include, but are not limited to,

	  +o hosting or targeting Ada compilers on UNIX systems,

	  +o Ada	software development environments on UNIX systems,

	  +o UNIX tools and their usefulness with Ada,

	  +o large project development and UNIX systems,

	  +o standarization of Ada runtime system or environments
	    and	UNIX standards,

	  +o experience using Ada on UNIX systems, and

	  +o ...(let your imagination be	your guide)...

       Papers and extended abstracts are acceptable; they should be
       8 to 12 pages long.  The	papers will be reviewed	by the
       program committee. Submission date is September 15, 1985.
       Authors will be notified	of acceptance by October 15, 1985,
       and camera ready	copy will be required by December 15, 1985.
       Proceedings will	be distributed at the conference.

       Please send five	copies of papers to be reviewed	to

			 Charles Wetherell
			 AT&T Information Systems
			 Room F-326
			 190 River Road
			 Summit	NJ  07901

	  rO Ada	is a registered	trademark of the U.S. Government -
	    - Ada Joint	Program	Office.

	 TM UNIX is a trademark	of AT&T.