[net.lang] C++ and Modula-2

rmarti@sun.uucp (Bob Marti) (11/04/85)

In response to Bjarne Stroustrup's message <4500@alice.UUCP>:

Let me make a few final remarks in this ongoing discussion about the relative
merits of C++ versus Modula-2.

(1) You still don't seem to have gotten my point that I was comparing Modula-2
    to C rather than C++.  I do get your point, though, namely that you think
    C++ is way better than Modula-2.  Let's hope you are right!  Maybe you
    could write a paper entitled "Why Modula-2 is not my favorite programming
    language" :-)

(2) If you try a little harder, you might even find definitions for the terms
    data abstraction etc. which only fit C++ and no other language :-)
    Moreover, in contrast to your opinion, it *is* possible to declare
    variables of an opaque type which are only accessible using a specific
    set of procedures declared in the same module.  The fact that, in the
    current implementations of Modula-2, variables of an opaque type are
    typically restricted to a size of 1 or 2 words which forces you to use
    a POINTER TO RECORD ... representation is just that:  An implementation
    restriction.  As far as "notational conveniences" are concerned, you are
    of course right again, but as you say, they are just conveniences ...

(3) As far as the date of appearance of Modula-2 is concerned, I was absolutely
    baffled to find that your quote from Wirth's book checked out.  All I can
    say is that I was at ETH at the time, that I do have the Modula-2 report
    quoted in my last message, and that its publishing date is December 1978.
    Why Niklaus Wirth is stating that the language's definition was published
    in March 1980 is completely beyond me.  I do admit that I was wrong about
    the public availability of the compilers.

dan@pokey.UUCP (11/06/85)

>     The fact that, in the
>     current implementations of Modula-2, variables of an opaque type are
>     typically restricted to a size of 1 or 2 words which forces you to use
>     a POINTER TO RECORD ... representation is just that:  An implementation
>     restriction.

   Much as I like Modula-2, I can't agree with this statement.  The reason
such a type is restricted is because, given the current syntax and semantics
of the language, the compiler has no way to obtain size information about
an opaque object.  Such objects are named in the definition module, but
declared in the implementation module.  A program importing them may only
read the definition module (of course), where no information is available.
By making the internal definition of an opaque object a part of the 
implementation, Wirth has made its size unavailable, by definition, to
any other code.

   See by contrast Ada private types, whose details must be declared, but
may not be used by any but the owning package, or C++ class variables,
which behave in a similar way.

bs@alice.UucP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (11/07/85)

>From: rmarti@sun.uucp (Bob Marti)

>Newsgroups: net.lang

>Subject: Re: C++ and Modula-2 (and something about data abstraction)

> Message-ID: <2958@sun.uucp>

> In response to Bjarne Stroustrup's message <4500@alice.UUCP>:

>Let me make a few final remarks in this ongoing discussion about the relative

>merits of C++ versus Modula-2.

There is, of course, no such thing as a really final remark.

>(1) You still don't seem to have gotten my point that I was comparing Modula-2

>    to C rather than C++.
You jumped on my C++ note to pick on C,
so I jumped on yours to pick on Modula-2.

>    I do get your point, though, namely that you think

>    C++ is way better than Modula-2.  Let's hope you are right!  Maybe you

>    could write a paper entitled "Why Modula-2 is not my favorite programming

>    language" :-)

I could be a nice paper. Maybe in a year's time someone will produce a
good C++ vs Modula-2 paper based on experience with both.
I shouldn't be the one to write that one, though.

>(2) If you try a little harder, you might even find definitions for the terms

>    data abstraction etc. which only fit C++ and no other language :-)

I am of the opinion that terms such as "data abstraction" is often defined
in such a way that it is far too easy to claim that a language supports it.
In particular, you often see definitions so that "data hiding",
"data abstraction", and "object-oriented programming" becomes near synonymous.
This, I believe, is often the effect of overenthusiasm on behalf of some
language (there is a certain perverse logic at work here: "DA is good" and
"Language X is good" therefore "language X supports DA").
It is also quite hard to avoid defining "data abstraction" in terms of facilities
in a specific language. Niklaus Wirth, for example, comes very close to defining
"data abstraction" as "opaque export" (his book, 2nd edition, page 82). This very
nearly makes "Modula-2 supports data abstraction" a tautology.

>    Moreover, in contrast to your opinion, it *is* possible to declare

>    variables of an opaque type which are only accessible using a specific

>    set of procedures declared in the same module.
You can do that, and handle a very limited set of cases (your note below), but
there is a serious snag here. Variables of an opaque type can be copied freely
(you don't have to define a copy operation in the module, assignment works by
default - correct me if I'm wrong, my Modula-2 compiler has become uninstalled
again). This implies, that what you have got is a facility for defining pointers
and for defining types for which bitwise copying is ok. The former is of little
additional value (given modularity/data-hiding), and it strongly resembles C's
rule that you can have variables of type "struct X *" even where the definition
of "struct X" is not available. In other words, if data abstraction in Modula-2
is use of opaque types that are really pointers (as recommended by Wirth), C too
supports data abstraction, and in nearly exactly the same way. I find that a hard
to swallow. If not, the case for Modula-2 supporting data abstraction rests on
the ability to opaquely export types that (1) are not pointers, and (2) can be
freely copied. C's ``data abstraction facilities'' would be strictly equivalent
to Modula-2's had it not been for pointer arithmetic.

>    The fact that, in the
 current implementations of Modula-2, variables of
>    an opaque type are
 typically restricted to a size of 1 or 2 words which
>    forces you to use
 a POINTER TO RECORD ... representation is just that:
>    An implementation
It is a very hard restriction to lift without causing other problems, though,
and as long as it is enforced I don't think one can claim that Modula-2
supports data abstraction (at least not without making the same claim for C,
and then the meaning of "data abstraction" has been eroded so far as to be
meaningless). Both possess a rudimentary facility that makes a limited form
of data abstraction just barely possible.

>    As far as "notational conveniences" are concerned, you are

>    of course right again, but as you say, they are just conveniences ...

One of the hardest things to do is to live without conveniences you have gotten
used too.

>(3) As far as the date of appearance of Modula-2 is concerned, I was absolutely

>    baffled to find that your quote from Wirth's book checked out.  All I can

>    say is that I was at ETH at the time, that I do have the Modula-2 report

>    quoted in my last message, and that its publishing date is December 1978.

>    Why Niklaus Wirth is stating that the language's definition was published

>    in March 1980 is completely beyond me.  I do admit that I was wrong about

>    the public availability of the compilers.

Maybe he'll fix the publication date in the next edition.

	- Bjarne Stroustrup (AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill)

PS In case someone missed the main points in the details of the discussion:
	C++ supports data abstraction and object-oriented programming.
	C++ is available (commercially and educationally).

rmarti@sun.uucp (Bob Marti) (11/09/85)

>>     The fact that, in the
>>     current implementations of Modula-2, variables of an opaque type are
>>     typically restricted to a size of 1 or 2 words which forces you to use
>>     a POINTER TO RECORD ... representation is just that:  An implementation
>>     restriction.

>    Much as I like Modula-2, I can't agree with this statement.  The reason
> such a type is restricted is because, given the current syntax and semantics
> of the language, the compiler has no way to obtain size information about
> an opaque object.  Such objects are named in the definition module, but
> declared in the implementation module.  A program importing them may only
> read the definition module (of course), where no information is available.

This is true if you assume that the compiler allocates storage (and assigns
addresses) for variables of an imported opaque type when compiling an
implementation module.  I guess that this is the way all current Modula-2
(and other) compilers work.  (I only know the Lilith M2M 4-pass compiler
reasonably well.)

Although I have not worked out the idea in all details, I believe that the
size information has to be available at link-time, but not necessarily at
compile-time.  In other words, the compiler could leave hooks in the code
instructing the linker to allocate variables of the appropriate size and
assign addresses to them.  Of course, this requires writing a special
linker which handles this case.  It also means that linking will be more
expensive.  Since most Modula-2 implementations have a special linker
which checks for compatible versions of the modules to be linked, such
a scheme would not really make matters worse.  And since Niklaus Wirth's
new 1-pass Modula-2 compiler compiles itself in less than 2 minutes on
the Lilith (a Lilith has about the computing power of a VAX-11/750),
I would expect that even with this "expensive" linking scheme the total
time to compile and link still compares favorably to most compilers out
on the market (especially to all Ada compilers :-).

PS: As far as I know, the new 1-pass compiler is not publicly available (yet).