hpk (01/27/83)
Nearly every Mutual Fund is managed by a company that is a member of the Investment Company Institute. You can ask them for their "Membership List (Investment Companies Division)", which is free. It lists all funds (including Money Market Funds) by name and type of fund, along with the appropriate address and phone number. Their address is 1775 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 You can call them at (202) 293-7700 for faster service. If you want to find that funds have no load (or a small load), you can pick them out of the finanical section of most newspapers. By the way, there are a few high performing funds that sell at loads smaller than 8-1/2%: Fidelity Magellan is 3% and 20th Century Ultra is 1/2% in and 1/2% out.
hpk (01/27/83)
There was a mistake in the address of the Investment Company Institute. It really is: Investment Company Institute 1775 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006