[net.invest] The long-awaited options response summary

jgpo@ihu1e.UUCP (John, KA9MNK) (04/22/85)

Well, I was just reminded of my promise to summarize to the net any
responses I got to my query on trading options.  Sorry about the delay,
but you know how work and school can get in the way of more important
matters.  :-)

Two books were recommended:

	"The Stock Options Manual"
	Gastineau, Gary L.
	McGraw-Hill Book Company
	ISBN 0-07-022970-8

	"Options as a Strategic Investment"
	McMillan, Lawrence G.

Some comments were received:

"I talked to an options specialist at DWR who recommended 'Daily
Graphs' (213) 820-2583, $40/qtr with a 5 wk trial for $7.  I
decided against it for myself - I can't make money doing what
everyone else is doing."

Point well taken.

Other respondents exhorted me to peruse my local public library.  Now
why didn't I think of that?  Other folks were quick to warn me that
options are tricky, the best way to get started is to write covered
calls, and to have plenty of capital I wouldn't mind losing.

I tried Value Line's Options and Convertibles service for an 8 week trial
($37.50) and did some pretend options trading.  I was impressed with
Value Line's service, but I came to the conclusion that I don't have
nearly enough capital to start fooling around with options.  Oh, well.
I guess I'll just have to stick to common stocks for a while.

If you can't live long, at least prosper,

	John Opalko
	AT&T Bell Labs
	Naperville, Illinois