[net.invest] EFHutton Offensive

suhre@trwrba.UUCP (Maurice E. Suhre) (05/23/85)

Seen or heard somewhere, perhaps Barron's.

	When E F Hutton talks, bankers lose interest.

terryl@tekcrl.UUCP () (05/29/85)

>Seen or heard somewhere, perhaps Barron's.
>	When E F Hutton talks, bankers lose interest.

     When E F Hutton talks,

		It's on the advice of his attorney!!!!

dberg@noscvax.UUCP (David I. Berg) (05/31/85)

> Seen or heard somewhere, perhaps Barron's.
> 	When E F Hutton talks, bankers lose interest.

Or how about......
  When E F Hutton talks, the FBI tells him he has the right to remain silent.

David I. Berg (dberg)
ARINC Research Corporation
San Diego, CA

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