[net.invest] OOPS!

tbg@apollo.uucp (Tom Gross) (07/08/86)


    It looks like I was unsuccessful in my attempts
    to retract my article of last thursday about the
    size of the IRS budget and the "interest on the
    public debt".  Right after I posted it I realized
    I had said "millions" everywhere I should have said
    "billions".  I'm sure most people would notice this,
    although I still find it somewhat mindboggling to 
    realize that the IRS budget is over $6 BILLION
    dollars, or $1.25 for every human being alive.

    Anyway, in 1984 the interest on the public debt was
    $153 BILLION, not MILLION.

    With our current deficit at about $200 BILLION,
    I still say it is ridiculous to think that tax reform
    itself will reduce the deficit significantly just EITHER
    by reducing IRS paperwork alone or expecting people to
    not cheat as much, which is simply another way of saying
    you think people are actually going to pay significantly
    more in taxes because they have less incentive to avoid
    paying taxes, whatever that means.  Is the notion that
    tax reform is supposed to be "revenue neutral" just a

    Tom Gross
    Apollo Computer, Inc.
    Chelmsford, MA