k9un (01/03/83)
Yes there are! I have been playing for about twelve years now with a group that originiated out of Bell Labs Indian Hill (appropriately called the Indian Hill Hockey Club). We started out on figure skates on one of the local lakes and have been playing at a local indoor rink for about 8 years now. We have some ex-collegiate players and the caliber is quite good. I also am an AHAUS (Amateur Hockey Association of the United States) certified coach for a local squirt level travelling team (Huskies). My son plays and last year my daughter played at the mite level. Hockey is my primary hobby and I catch most of the Black Hawk games and spend four to five nights a week at the rink either coaching, playing, or watching other Huskie age groups play. Our team was in Kitchener, Ont. for a tournament over the thanksgiving holidays. So who says there are no hockey playing computer scientists? We are alive and well and rooting (at least here) for the best team in pro hockey (the Hawks natch.). By the way, I do like hockey, not violence! There are some who think the two are synonomous but good hockey is *NOT* violent. Skill and finesse are finally taking over the game again. Wes Ague BTL Naperville, Ill. (Left Defense)
johnk (01/11/83)
This computer scientist thinks the Portland Winter Hawks will win the Memorial Cup this year. Ontario and Quebec will be no-shows.