[net.sport.hockey] Dave Maloney to Buffalo

jeff@dciem.UUCP (Jeff Richardson) (12/18/84)

Carlo Sgro (..!utzoo!oscvax!carlo) and I have been carrying on a lengthy
discussion by mail these days, which we've now decided to post.  I've sorted
our mail into three of the topics we've discussed, and posted each one
separately.  Our observations about the Maloney deal are from a Maple Leaf
fan's point of view, since their problems are what got our discussion started,
but most of what follows should interest all hockey fans.
Besides, we'd like to get other opinions on this too.

***** JEFF: *****
I was very upset when Dave Maloney got traded
to Buffalo because he's a guy that the Leafs should have got.
He's an experienced two-way defenseman who's not too old (28) and is a proven
leader.  (He was captain of the Rangers at age 22.)
I figured he was available, and the Rangers were the team the Leafs had the best
chance of making a deal with because of their surplus of experienced defensemen,
their poor record over the last month or so, the fact that they're in a
different division, and they have been mentioned in the past as a team that
might be interested in Salming, plus they're weak on right wing, so they
might be willing to give up a lot to get Rick Vaive.

***** CARLO: *****
I was surprised that Buffalo got him for so little.  Is there something that
I'm missing about the talents of Steve Patrick or Jim Wiemer?  The entire
world knew that Dave Maloney was up for grabs; the entire world does not 
know why.  Preliminary verdict:  a good deal for Buffalo.  This is the type 
of deal that the Leafs should NOT make for Salming (i.e. more potential in 
Patrick and Wiemer that could fall down and go boom).

I don't think that the Leafs should be too anxious to give up Rick Vaive.  He's
a proven 40 or 50 goal scorer.  Those are hard to get, nowadays.  Of course, 
if someone makes THEM an offer that they can't refuse ...
[We talked about the pros and cons of trading Vaive, but I didn't post them
because I figured they wouldn't be of interest to non-Leaf fans.]

I can't really think of any other proven defensemen who are available
at this time.  But then again, most trades are made 'out of the blue'
(although I'd like to hear the REAL story behind the Gary Carter trade).
Jeff Richardson, DCIEM, Toronto  (416) 635-2073

newman@bgsuvax.UUCP (Tim Newman) (12/22/84)

I think that the reason that the Rangers traded Maloney to Buffalo is because
they are one of the most screwed up franchises in hockey.  I believe that who-
ever is running that franchise has a mind of blue cheese.  It looks like they
find a player that they dislike and then they "punish" him; i.e. the trade him
away for a nobody or tell him "you will rot in the minors forever."  Herb Brooks
and the Rangers are nothing.  I think that they make the Leafs look good.

					Tim Newman !!!!!!!!!!!!!!