[net.sport.hockey] An unexpected comeback?

marc@ucla-cs.UUCP (04/27/85)

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After the Montreal Canadiens beat the Nordiques in six games they will
need every help they can have to go through Philadelphia but I still
think that they can do it. The Canadiens played very well for the
big games this year (for example they beat the Oilers at Edmonton), and
the playoffs are always something special in Montreal. The spirit of
the glorious past years is still in the Forum and that's what makes them
win sometime even if they are suppose to lose.
But then comes Mister Gretzky, who woke up last night, for the rest of
the playoffs, and his crew, the Edmonton Oilers.
I predict that to stop Gretzky and to provide a devastating offense,
Guy Lafleur, (nickname Guy La Farine!), will make a spectacular 
comeback in the Stanley cup finals. It has been said that Montreal
is hidding a secret weapon for the finals. Moreover Guy Lafleur
was seen in a sport shop (Arlington Sports) looking for skates.
If you use logic you should make the connection. Till then,
enjoy the games,
	A Canadiens fan,
			Marc Tremblay (Mario's cousin)

rick@ucla-cs.UUCP (04/30/85)

In his article ucla-cs!marc Marc Tremblay <marc> writes:
>After the Montreal Canadiens beat the Nordiques in six games they will
>need every help they can have to go through Philadelphia but I still
>think that they can do it.

Better make that 7 games, if at all Marc. Which leads to my next 
question: is it just me, or has the home ice advantage become a
home ice DISadvantage this year? Consider:
   first round: 31 games, home team won 19 and lost 12 (61%).
   second round (so far): 19 games, home team has won 9 and lost 10 (47%).
   overall (so far): 50 games, home team has won 28 (56%).
I don't have old statistics but this looks like a low number of home ice
wins. I would expect the percentage to be more like 75% (as a rough
guess). What is happening in the league? And why should a team bust their
guts during the regular season to finish high for the home ice advantage
if there is NO advantage?

>the playoffs are always something special in Montreal. The spirit of
>the glorious past years is still in the Forum and that's what makes them
>win sometime even if they are suppose to lose.

Or to lose win they should win? Why did the Canadiens get swept aside
prematurely for 3 years in a row, before over-achieving last year?

>I predict that to stop Gretzky and to provide a devastating offense,
>Guy Lafleur, (nickname Guy La Farine!), will make a spectacular 
>comeback in the Stanley cup finals. It has been said that Montreal
>is hidding a secret weapon for the finals. Moreover Guy Lafleur
>was seen in a sport shop (Arlington Sports) looking for skates.

Har har. Pretty good Marc. And maybe Jacques Lemaire will become a
playing coach to center Lafleur and Shutt (whom the Canadiens will
recover from LA for a first round draft pick).

>If you use logic you should make the connection. Till then,
>enjoy the games,

That will be tough with the Islanders gone (sob).

			       Rick Gillespie

	"She turned me into a newt! . . . I got better."