[net.sport.foot] PRO FOOTBALL

more (11/19/82)

 HOORAY,  the football strike has ended and we will be able to
 watch the pro's in action again. unfortunately since most of
 the pro's spent there tima fishing, what we will see won't be
 of the caliber one would normally get at this time of year, and,
 there will undoubtedly be a bunch of injuries. Still, I find pro
 football more exiting to watch since there is generally more
 offense, and more diversification in the plays used.

   What I find humorous about the strike is the fact that 1,500
guys making an average of about 83,000 bucks a year would go on
strike for essentially more money when the unemployement rate is
like it is (but then again the U.A.W complains about foriegn cars
prices undercutting domestic auto prices and they are considering
striking for more money).

   Being from Florida there are only a couple of games which REALLY
concern me this first (third?) weekend of football.Tampa Bay vs.
Dallas (are you listening U. of Texas,Dallas?), and Miami at Barfallo.
I have no doubt that Tampa's offensive line won't be able to deal
with the 4 man front of Dallas and therefore probably get their
butt whipped.(what's a buccaneer?   a terrible price for corn).
I have total confidence in Don Shula's ball club being able to
take care of Barfallo (that is of course unless they still have
the defensive backfield problem).

   What about the playoff set-up? SIXTEEN teams go to the playoffs,
almost soundd like basketball where everyone goes to the playoffs
except the teams in the cellars.