[net.games.pacman] Why?

robin@nmtvax.UUCP (06/06/83)

Why does this exist if no one uses it?

Allan F. Perry

eric@whuxlb.UUCP (07/06/83)

whuxlb!eric    Jul  6 07:04:00 1983

/***** whuxlb:net.games.pacman / nmtvax!robin / 12:28 am  Jul  6, 1983*/
Why does this exist if no one uses it?

Allan F. Perry
/* ---------- */

    You're using it, so it must be useful, eh,

    "Cogito, ergo sum"

               . To You From My Fingers Via The Magic Of Networking .
               .                   Eric  Holtman                    .
               .                 harpo!whuxlb!eric                  .
               .                 WH 1c-352d, x4890                  .

kolstad@parsec.UUCP (07/12/83)

parsec!kolstad    Jul 10 13:40:00 1983

Some people feel that every time there are five related notes/responses
in the news that they must create a NEW NEWSGROUP!  This is one of the
results.  I disagree that groups such as this need to exist.  Oh well. 


wyse@ihuxp.UUCP (07/12/83)

Believe it or not, this newsgroup had quite a bit of traffic a while ago
when some source for pacman was floating around (there were two versions,
bug fixes,trivia, etc.).  The newsgroup was created because people were
tired of hearing about it in games.

	Neal "adding more junk to the net" Wyse

rung@ihuxw.UUCP (07/12/83)

What kind of source was available for pacman?
apparently before I was oin the net!
Does anyone in net land have such a source and could
it be posted again?

			Pete Rung
			BTL, Naperville, Ill.

Anonymous@fortune.UUCP (07/16/83)

fortune!Anonymous    Jul 15 19:54:00 1983

I dont know