[net.micro.pc] INFO-PC 8/5/82

glennw (08/20/82)

>From uucp Thu Aug 19 03:21:47 1982
>From uucps Thu Aug 19 03:13:32 1982 remote from mhuxa
>From uucp Thu Aug 19 03:02:17 1982 remote from mhuxt
>From uucp Thu Aug 19 02:53:55 1982 remote from eagle
>From floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!vicki Thu Aug 19 02:43:15 1982 remote from harpo
Date: Wed Aug 18 23:29:46 1982
To: philabs!cmcl2!floyd!harpo!eagle!mhuxt!mhuxa!mhuxh!glennw

Date:  5 Aug 1982 2010-PDT
From: Dick Gillmann <INFO-PC at ISIB>
Subject: Info-PC Digest V1 #3
To: Info-PC: ;

Info-PC Digest         Thursday, 5 August 1982      Volume 1 : Issue 3

Today's Topics:

                              Amdek 300
                    More about graphics and games
                              PC Clones
                       Getting Info out of IBM


Date:  5 Aug 1982 (Thursday) 0833-EDT
Subject: Amdek 300
To:   info-pc at USC-ISIB

I have been impressed with this monitor. Are you saying that it
connects directly to the color card, while the IBM monochrome will
not! What a win. I save about $190 ($350 (IBM) - $160 (AMDEK)), and
only have to buy the color card. Great !!

 - Ed


Date:  5 Aug 1982 1002-PDT
From: Randy Cole <COLE at USC-ISIB>
Subject: More about graphics and games
To: Info-PC

Some more comments about games and graphics:

I have read (PC Magazine, I think) that IBM has sold far more of the
monochrome display + printer cards with the PC's than the
color/graphics cards.  This may be due mostly to the fact that the
IBM-supplied monitor works only with the monochrome card and IBM thus
is more motivated to sell systems with a monochrome card and an IBM
monitor.  If IBM ever starts to supply a color monitor this situation
might change.

I have the same display (Amdek 300) as Dick, for which I paid $137
(bought where?? - Ed.) driven of course from the composite video jack
of the color/graphics card, and I am very happy with it.

The latest PC Magazine I have (Number 3) tells on p. 27 how to hook up
the IBM monitor to the color/graphics board but also says "the
monochrome display will show minor distortions due to the different
video frequencies it is designed for", whatever the heck that means.

I think the arcade game makers will prefer the Apple and Atari markets
for a long time, unless or until the sheer number of PCs gets too big
to ignore.  If I wanted to play good arcade games at home I think I'd
spend $250 for an Atari 400 to use for nothing but games and buy a PC
or whatever for real computing.  After all, $250 or so is less than
the price of a color/graphics card for the PC.

Something like the PC which addresses a lot of memory would be a lot
better for strategy and fantasy games than the Apple and I expect to
see a lot of those.  One could do some really good chess or bridge
programs on the PC.

Randy Cole (Cole@ISIB)


Date:  5 Aug 1982 0952-PDT
Subject: PC Clones
To: info-pc at USC-ISIB

I have been interested in whether to get the IBM PC or one of its
clones.  I am compiling a matrix of characteristics, extras, software,
and costs against the IBM PC, independent suppliers of items, and
other closely similar computers. I will keep this under
<kushner>matrix.pc@SRI-AI, if people can get into our system. In
particular, does anyone know how close the NEC APC is?  How compatible
is software and especially hardware for the IBM PC.  It says it will
run MS-DOS, compatible with "most IBM PC software" [Popular Computing,
9/82]. Like which "most" not?

- Todd Kushner


Date:  5 Aug 1982 14:33:49 EDT (Thursday)
From:  <abrams at MITRE>
Subject: Getting Info out of IBM
To: info-pc@isib

This is a report of getting information concerning the IBM PC, with an
assist from the manager of customer support at Boca Raton.  About 6
weeks after first asking my questions I wrote a letter to Cliff
Seeley, IBM, P.O. Box 1328, Boca Raton, FL 33432.  Several phone calls
to 305/998-6048 also occurred.  About a month after sending my letter,
I got some answers.  The questions are less important than the method.
Perhaps if enough of us write to Boca they'll improve after the sale
information flow.

     - Marshall Abrams


End of Info-PC Digest