[net.micro.pc] games_copyprotect_harddisk

4341jew (01/01/83)

can anyone recommend some good games for the IBM PC
One of my neighbors got an Atari 800 for christmas and now his kids are saying
how great it is for games and how we have no games on our IBM.
I almost want to go buy and apple or trs80 for the kids to play games on.

Also has anyone tried out any of these disk management programs?
I have seen ads for two of them and I presume they allow you to copy
copy-protected programs.

Also has anyone succeeded in getting copy protected software out onto
a hard disk (eg. Visicalc, Easywriter, etc.)?
Seems to me all that disk storage is going to waste if I still have to
use the floppies for the program.

Joe Wilkes