[net.micro.pc] addition


From:  Dick Gillmann <GILLMANN@USC-ISIB>

Welcome to Info-PC

   Info-PC is a forum for discussion of the IBM Personal Computer and
   related 8086/8088/PC-DOS/CPM-86 micro-computers.  Info-PC provides
   a way for interested members of the ARPANET community to compare
   notes, ask questions, and share insights about these machines.
   Messages are collected, edited into digests and distributed as the
   volume of mail dictates.

   Messages to the list should be addressed to Info-PC at ISIB.
   All requests to be added to or deleted from the list, problems, etc.
   should be sent to Info-PC-REQUEST at ISIB.

   Old digests are archived in <INFO-PC>DIGESTS-83 and OLD-DIGESTS-82.
   A library of free software is maintained in [ISIB]<INFO-PC>. A list
   of available programs is in <INFO-PC>PROGRAM-LIBRARY.LIST.  A copy
   of this message is in INFO-PC-WELCOME.TXT.

   These files may be ftp'ed from ISIB by logging in to FTP with username
   ANONYMOUS, password GUEST.  To donate a program to the library,
   send a description of the program along with a copy of the source
   code to INFO-PC-REQUEST.

/Dick Gillmann (GILLMANN at ISIB)