[net.micro.pc] Info-PC Digest V2 #4

INFO-PC@USC-ISIB (01/24/83)

From:  Dick Gillmann <INFO-PC@USC-ISIB>

Info-PC Digest        Monday, 24 January 1983       Volume 2 : Issue 4

Today's Topics:

                           KERMIT (2 msgs)
                            8087 Compilers
                        9-Track Tape (2 msgs)
                            IDT Hard Disks
                            PC Book Query


Date: 14 January 1983 23:33-EST
From: Dave Murphy <MURPH @ MIT-MC>
Subject: KERMIT-86 Files
To: info-pc @ USC-ISIB

Does anyone know if the 8086 version of KERMIT is available on the
net?  The archives on MC only have the CPM version (and the 10/20



Date:  16 January 1983 19:02 est
From:  Hess.Unicorn at MIT-MULTICS
Subject:  Kermit for the P.C.

KERMIT stands for Kl10 Error-free Reciprocal Microcomputer Interchange
over Tty-lines.  Contact Bill Catchings, Frank da Cruz, or Daphne Tzoar
at the Columbia University Center for Computing Activities for
up-to-date information.

If no one else volunteers, I have some test versions which seem to work.
They have been customized for the P.C. it seems.  And they have bugs
almost certainly.  Whether or not they are fatal, I don't know -- as I
said, it seems to work O.K.

Anybody from Columbia out there?  If so, you would probably be a better
source, if you're willing...



From: ucscc!psych36@Berkeley
Date: 16 Jan 83 22:08:50 PST (Sun)
Subject: 8087/Compilers
To: gillmann@usc-isib

Does anyone make a C and/or FORTRAN compiler that knows how to use the

Michael M. Cohen


Date: 13 Jan 1983 10:20:49-PST
From: nadc at NPRDC
To: info-pc@isib
Subject: Tape for PC

Has anyone heard of a nine-track tape drive interface for the PC?
Please reply to REECE@MIT-MC. Thanks.


Date: 18 Jan 1983  8:43:21 EST (Tuesday)
From: Martin Schoffstall <schoff at BBN-UNIX>
Subject: 9-track tape for PC
To: nadc at nprdc
Cc: info-pc at isib

At BBN we have need for the IBM-PC to talk to a tape drive (quantity 7).

The company to talk to is IDT which is located in San Diego, I don't have
their number at home but if you are further interested send me a message 
and I will get it.

We have had both the designer and a VP at BBN discussing it because it is
kind of the foot in the door type sale for them.

A summary of what they offer:

TECMAR 488 interface card within the PC
Cabling to an IDT controller "box" (industry standard Pertec interface to
    the actual tape drive unit)
A vacuum column 800/1600 cpi mag tape unit
Basic software to read and write tapes on the unit

For our own use we really aren't interested in their tape drive though it
is a good one.  We want to use a Cipher streamer that also does 25 ips
start/stop.  It is also half the price of their vacuum column mag tape
unit.  They are more than willing to sell us the TECMAR interface, cabling
and the controller for something like $4000 and also write the software for
the cipher drive for free (they think their software will work as is but
they want to test it out on the cipher, and that sounds fine with us).

A thoroughly excellent company to deal with.

schoff at bbn-unix


Date: 18 Jan 1983  8:53:38 EST (Tuesday)
From: Martin Schoffstall <schoff at BBN-UNIX>
Subject: MODEM7
To: info-pc at isib
Cc: info-micro at brl

Does anyone know where I can get the C source that runs under version 7
UNIX for modem7?


schoff at bbn-unix


Date: 18 Jan 1983  8:54:39 EST (Tuesday)
From: Martin Schoffstall <schoff at BBN-UNIX>
Subject: IDT Hard Disks
To: info-pc at isib

If you caught the last IDT message, I said that they are a good
company to deal with and they look like they offer good products.
When their VP was here at bbn he had some prerelease literature about
one of their new products that might be of interesting for those of
you thinking about hard disks.

They are offering a new product this spring soon to be announced that
will fit in one slot in the IBM-PC, it will contain 2!! 20Mb
(unformatted) hard disks one of which is fixed and one of which is
removable for the astonishing price of $2200.

I don't know about the netland but backup is a serious problem for me.
This product really meets a need that I have (and will have) for
backing up a hard disk and also for switching from one operating
system to another with different formats on the disks.

I think that we may get a pre-release unit.  If we do I will tell you
what the outcome is.

schoff at bbn-unix


Date: 20 Jan 83 9:10:08-PST (Thu)
To: info-pc@isib
From: CAD.tektronix!tekmdp!crimson!jays@Berkeley.arpa
Subject: PC Book Query

Are there any books out there that deal with programming the PC in
assembly language and DOS/BIOS internals?  I find myself going back
and forth between IBM's tech. ref., DOS and MASM manuals.  This is a
real pain so it would be nice to have a majority of the information in
one place and indexed so its easy to find things. My main problem is
not programming the 8086 but just getting the program loaded and
running somewhere that doesn't crash the PC so information on linking,
loading and debugging with examples would help too.

                  Thanks, Jay Schwichtenberg


End of Info-PC Digest