psuvm%csx (04/08/83)
I answered a general query about the PC-compatible portable COMPAQ recently with a few positive remarks. Yesterday, my friend said that one of my BASIC programs doesn't work on his COMPAQ -- it hangs the system. I'm quite certain it is my routine to switch from the monochrome display to the color, which involves POKE-ing a bit in location &H410. So, if you are going to buy a COMPAQ, make certain any software that uses the color and monochrome on the PC works as well on the COMPAQ. Perhaps DOS 2.0 eliminates the problem -- at least at the DOS level there is a command to switch monitors; is it still done with a poke from BASIC? I assume you all saw the COMPAQ review in the latest PC World.
MTHoward.PA@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (06/13/83)
What kind of experience have people had with the Compaq? What kind of things are not compatible? Thanks, Michael T. Howard MTHoward@PARC-MAXC