ben@hao.UUCP (Ben Domenico) (08/16/83)
For over a week now, I have been using the SmarTerm package from Persoft to make an IBM PC emulate a VT100 (actually the VT102 which has additional editing functions). It seems to work quite well. I have made use of it as follows: - full VT102 emulation (including editing extensions and 10 soft keys). - with VI and INed (Rand editor derivitive) on UNIX (tm of Bell Labs). - with XEDIT, FLIST, etc. on IBM VM/CMS on a 4341 frontended with the Yale package on a Series One. - simple up and download feature with UNIX and with CMS through 3705. (The full errror free protocol looks straightforward but I haven't implemented it yet). - speeds from 300 to 9600 Baud. - on a vanilla IBM PC and Corona look alike. SmarTerm costs $150, $125 each for 2-3, ..., $72 each for 20 or more. (Refunded if you return the package unsatisfied within 30 days.) To speed up loading from disk, the package is being recoded into C, and both a VT125 graphics version and a scrolling 132 column version are scheduled for release late this year according to Persoft. We have not been as successful with the YTERM package from Yale. If any of you have had experiences with other terminal emulation packages for the PC, please let me know about it. Of course, we'd be especially interested in anything in the public domain. For the record, my only affiliation with Persoft is as a satisfied customer. For more information on SmarTerm, contact: Persoft Inc.; 2740 Ski Lane; Madison, WI 53713; 608/233-1000