[net.micro.pc] Color Card Information

Wiederhold@SRI-AI.ARPA (12/20/83)

From:  Gio <Wiederhold@SRI-AI.ARPA>

I obtained the following information in order to help me make a purchase 

Planttronics - PC+ products was in Frederick MD now in Milpitas CA
   4 colors High res. (640 pixels/line) 16 colors med.res. (320 p/l)
   200 lines per screen ( ie. single frame, as IBM ) list $560
   32 K on board , not usable otherwise, parallel printer port.

Tecmar Graphics master - Cleveland OH
   16 colors High res    4 colors extrahigh res (720p/l, 480 lines)
   Extrahigh res is prob beyond most monitors, and the extra lines
   may not be visible).  400 lines per screen.  Comments on flickering
   even when not scrolling were not supported  by the one user we talked
   to.   Has 128K, which is usable when the card is not otherwise used,
   when it is used for low resolution it might be usable by memory-disk
   simulation techniques.
   Also simulates IBM monochrome and produces in that mode crisper
   characters.   $690 list and in relatively short supply - being
   purchased by people who are upgrading the IBM monochrome card since
   it can also drive the IBM monochrome display. 
   External NTSC sync for mixing available.
  you get what you store:
  IBM  640 x 200 x 1color  = 320 x 200 x 2^2 colors - 128Kbits = 16K bytes
  Plantronics  640 x 200  x 2^2 = 320 x 200 x  4^2  - 256Kbits - 32K bytes
  Tecmar  640 x 400 x 4^2 = othermodes = 1Mbits = 128K bytes.