[net.micro.pc] LANs

jrodrig%mitre-gateway@sri-unix.UUCP (01/24/84)

From:  jose rodriguez <jrodrig at mitre-gateway>

Well, I can give you some info on LANs because we have installed
several on DOD sites. Let me answer your questions:

1) Yes, TCP/IP can run on LANs (baseband or broadband -- it is
immaterial to base/broad what layers you have above the datalink (I
think). As a matter of fact some people are putting baseband nets into
broadband channels through 10Mhz modems (a really neat idea) (you see,
there is no standard for broadband datalink layer).

As a matter of fact, I would say that the faster the LAN is, the less
important the size of packets is (what really counts is the number of
packets -- but this is an extremelly complex problem...).  (If anyone
has hard facts, please come forth.)

2) "If a LAN supports TCP/IP" actually is the nodes that support
TCP/IP.  You mentioned servers vs. terminals.  Well, there is
something in the middle: the user-side of protocols.  All protocols
have two sides: user (driven by the person) and server (waiting for
connections across the net).  The user side can be made considerably
simpler (and in my opinion, better) which makes them feasible for pc's
(the 8088 is slow, but not THAT slow...).  There are other schemes to
make implementations perform reasonably (for a single user) on PCs.

Now "...have to support ...FTP,TN..." well why have TCP/IP, etc.?  If
you mean less powerful applications, that's a good idea.  The CSG
group at MIT have done such work, particularly they have a TFTP (T for
trivial) which only needs one TCP channel.

3) "...expect...8088..."  Well, if you design it right, why not?
Look at it as a challenge. (We think it is feasible). "...single
tasking..." I would rather have a monolithic program that takes
over the pc than some scheduler coming around and bothering. I can
implement my own multi-task OS for the pc more suitable for real
time needs. You see, our Suns 1.0 have a performance far worse than
pc's... think about that....

3Com's Ethernet has a lot added to Ethernet (a remote procedure call
protocol and a byte stream protocol based on the XNS (from Xerox)
family of protocols). The same (or similar) functionality is provided
by other PC vendors but the problem is they all are incompatible!
"That's fine, you know, for our needs...", well what happens when your
supplier goes under?  Or if you want to add someone else's equipment
(say a 68k workstation) not supported by your network vendor?

Actually, I am being a little too hard on 3Coms equipment.  As a
matter of fact I think their protocols can easily coexist with Telnet,
FTP, etc. (if it wasn't for their hardware, but that is a different

What does TCP/IP buy me? Well being able to hop to our LAN, go through
a gateway, into the Arpanet, go through a MIT gateway and login to my
old job's host machine.

If you have any questions don't hesitate sending mail directly to me. 


v.cc2%UCLA-LOCUS@sri-unix.UUCP (01/25/84)

From:            Computer Club SDC <v.cc2@UCLA-LOCUS>

This is an editorial comment.

I hate the general software available for the PC!

This gripe has been on my mind for a while but it came to a head yesterday
when I finally got fed up with Orchid PCnet trashing the FAT on my hard
disk for about the fiftieth time.  This is due to the fact that (I was told
this by Orchid) "The system is designed to be used by a single user and share
peripherals."  What's the point?!  That means that there is no mechanism in
PCnet to lock the fat in any way.  What happens is that each machine reads a
copy of the fat into memory when it opens a file.  After it didles with the
file, puts it back, and writes the fat that it got when it opened the file,
regardless of what other nodes on the net do.  So if you are working on a
file that has a FAT entry in the same FAT sector as another node, at the
same time, the result is 1 trashed disk - every time.

I figured, OK, someone else must realize that this has to be delt with.
I tried Davong Multi-link.  What complete junk, we won't even talk about
it further.  Suffice it to say that it does most everything wrong (just
like everything else they make.)

Then I tried Xcomp X-net.  They swore up and down that they had the FAT
problem solved.  If you open a file with a filehandle open for write or
with just a normal open, the file is locked until closed and they read the 
FAT BEFORE they rewrite it.  Great, no more trashed hard disk 'cause it,
in fact, does what they said, however, they also don't support standard
input or output.  None of the pipes or filters worked anymore.  I was
just about to hit the roof!!

I have had just about enough of this trial and error hardware testing.  Every-
one seems to be using the public as a beta-test sight.  Do any of you know of a
net that works properly (I am leaning toward 3Com, all I need is a good word)
with 3-6 users doing disk intensive stuff that supports IBM's documented
features (no trade offs: No trashed disk but no stdin/stdout).  I don't really
care that much about speed as long as it works well.

- Howard