cwc@uw-june (Winnie Chow) (02/23/84)
. Does anyone know where I can get a good VT100-emulating terminal program for an IBM PC? It should allow uploading & downloading of files to/from MS-DOS. Thanks in advance.
jph@whuxle.UUCP (02/25/84)
#R:uw-june:-102800:whuxle:22700018:000:148 whuxle!jph Feb 25 07:12:00 1984 I don't have a VT100 emulator, but I have one that emulates an HP-2621 like terminal and can upload/down. If interested, send me mail. Jim Holtman
geller@rlgvax.UUCP (David Geller) (02/26/84)
I've been using CROSSTALK XVI from Microstuff for quite some time and have found it to be very easy to use. It is especially easy to down/upload MS-DOS data files, or any files for that matter. A couple of things should be said about this package: 1) The documentation is fairly complete and compliments the software, which is also very complete (in its functionality). 2) The user interface is very good. 3) Data transferring is particularly easy. The programs allows a number of various timing parameters to be changed. 4) The program provides its own script (EXEC) language. 5) The program has a DEC VT-100 emulation mode that emulates ALMOST 100%. I've caught a few cases where it missed some specialized graphics character sequences and will be preparing a bug-report for Microstuff. 6) It does NOT support the XMODEM protocol. I home this was of help to you. {seismo}!rlgvax!geller David Geller Computer Consoles, Inc. Office Systems Group 1760 Reston Avenue Reston, VA 22090 703-471-6860
wilkes@gatech.UUCP (C.T. "Tom" Wilkes) (03/01/84)
I agree with <1756@rlgvax.UUCP>'s comments about Crosstalk-XVI. We've been using Crosstalk on our IBM PCs to talk to the local network, including our VAX running 4.1bsd. The VT-100 emulation works well with vi at 9600 baud. The latest version of Crosstalk-XVI (version 3.4), however, does include XMODEM support, which comes in handy when used with the "uc" XMODEM program for UN*X, which appeared a while ago in net.sources. Microstuf will send you the upgrade and a new manual for $20 (I think that's the price; better call their customer service people for the details). -- Tom Wilkes UUCP : ...!{allegra, sb1, ut-ngp, akgua}!gatech!wilkes or ...!duke!mcnc!msdc!gatech!wilkes ARPA : wilkes.gatech@CSNet-Relay CSNET : wilkes@gatech
more@ucf-cs.UUCP (Duane More) (03/30/84)
There is a company called PERSOFT INC. which has some software called SmarTerm 100 which is a VT100 series Terminal Emulator with ASCII and Binary File Transfer. The specifics are: Persoft Inc. 2740 Ski Lane Madison WI 53713 (608) 273-6000 -- Duane N. More
free@uiuccsb.UUCP (03/31/84)
#R:uw-june:-102800:uiuccsb:5100009:000:57 uiuccsb!free Mar 30 10:43:00 1984 Crosstalk will emulate a VT-100 (as well as a IBM3101).
doc@ecsvax.UUCP (04/02/84)
For a very good VT-100 terminal emulator, try PC/InterComm<tm> from Mark of the Unicorn<R> in Cambridge Mass (They're the MINCE, Scribble, and FinalWord folks.) The program goes for about $100.00 retail and will support your printer, upload and download (dumb or XMODEM), and run at 9600bps if your connection will allow it. It's head and shoulders above VTerm (cost less, more features, better documentation, and not copy protected, to name a few) ***Aside - I do not condone software piracy. All of our copies of PC/Intercomm for which I am responsible at Duke are purchased.*** It supports the VT-100 protocol up to the hardware restraints of the IBM-PC (e.g. no smooth scroll or 132 col, etc.) in every application that I have used (EDT, VI, and GEMISCH - trademarks all). Other packages that claim Vt-100 compatibility, that I haven't used, are CrossTalk and the Persoft offerings. If you need VT-125 capcbility, Persoft may be the only game in town. Doc Muhlbaier Duke - Biometry decvax!mcnc!ecsvax!doc
esa@kvvax4.UUCP (Esa K Viitala) (04/04/84)
Lately there's been articles with munged headers showing up. The article, to which this is a followup, is an example. Here's the header we received: Relay-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83 (MC830919); site kvvax4.UUCP Path: kvport!mcvax!philabs!mcnc!ecsvax!doc From: doc@ecsvax.UUCP Newsgroups: net.micro.pc,net.wanted Subject: Re: VT100 Terminal Emulator Wanted Message-Id: <2229@ecsvax.UUCP> Date: Mon, 2-Apr-84 04:03:19 GMT Article-I.D.: ecsvax.2229 Posted: Mon, 2-Apr-84 04:03:19 GMT Date-Received: Wed, 4-Apr-84 09:00:47+0200 References: uw-june.1028 Lines: 17 I.e. no Posting-Version, thus readnews won't accept it. After adding that line I was able to post this followup. But it is a bit heavy if one has to check all the article numbers for possible holes, then check the corresponding spool directory and in case it wasn't a true hole after all fix the header in order to be able to read the article. Of course by that time your .newsrc file says that you've already read it ... It shouldn't bee too difficult to track this down. -- Esa K Viitala {decvax,philabs}!mcvax!kvport!kvvax4!esa A/S Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk, CTG4, P.O.Box 25, N-3601 Kongsberg Norway tel. 473-739644 tlx. 71491 vaapn n
mark@cbosgd.UUCP (Mark Horton) (04/05/84)
Huh? Posting-Version is only added by 2.10 or later sites. There are plenty out there that don't add it. This doesn't bother any of the other sites out there - what weird readnews are you running? And why are you voicing this in net.micro.pc? would be the correct place.