[net.micro.pc] Info-IBMPC Digest V3 #45

Info-IBMPC%USC-ISIB@sri-unix.UUCP (04/20/84)

From:  Info-IBMPC Digest <Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB>

Info-IBMPC Digest       Friday, 20 April 1984      Volume 3 : Issue 45

This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge

Today's Topic:


Date: 19 Apr 1984 1452-PST

-------------------- THE PRECEEDING INFO IS FROM THE -----------------------
                         COMPUSERVE IBM SIG

PCDOS.TIP      16-Apr-84 62635


                            Notes and Observations 
                        IBM PC-DOS and Microsoft MS-DOS 
                             Releases 2.0 and 2.1 
                                  April, 1984 
             This  document  is a collection of data from  various  sources,  
        including  bulletin  boards,   magazines,   seminar  handouts,   and  
        independent research. 
        WARNING: This information is provided without warranty of any kind. 
        Each individual must determine the applicability and accuracy ofthis  
        information to their specific environment. 
        If you have corrections,  additions,  or comments,  please send them  
                                 John Chapman 
                              844 S. Madison St. 
                          Hinsdale, Illinois   60521 
        Or, send  EMAIL  to  userid   [70205,1217]  on  CompuServ, 
        or         MAIL  to  userid    $AC          on  PCSHARE 
   To modify the DOS 2.0 command interpreter so that the default is echo off 
   when a batch file is run, 
   C>debug \command.com 
   -e1721 28 1f 
   -e364a 24 26 c6 06 6e 09 00 e9 19 e8 
   Writing 4500 bytes 
   The DOS Environment is accessible for use in BATs. 
   The standard keywords COMSPEC, PATH, PROMPT et al can all be read and set. 
   New keywords can be set and checked within BATs.  The keywords are saved 
   across BAT executions. 
   For instance BATs can check which screen is active using SET conventions 
   as follows: 
           . NOTE leading and trailing Percent signs 
           IF %SCREEN% == MONO GOTO COLOR 
           IF %SCREEN% == COLOR GOTO MONO 
           SET SCREEN=COLOR 
           . NOTE no spaces around '=' in SET 
           MODE CO80 
           SET SCREEN=MONO 
           MODE MONO 
           . SCREEN is set and saved across BAT executions 
   Another example using a link convention allows BATs to call BATs: 
           IF NOT %BATLABEL% == . GOTO %BATLABEL% 
           . note BATLABEL is assumed to be set to '.' as a null value 
           SET BATCALR=%0 
           . give the called BAT my name to get back 
           . then leave word where to come back to 
           . set further parms to save %1 thru %9 if necessary 
   PC/MS-DOS Tips (2.0/2.1)                                             2 
   The DOS Environment is accessible for use in BATs. (Cont'd) 
           . return to caller 
           . separate keywords will be necessary if further calls 
           . will be made 
   A note of caution (this is documented), the environment at boot time, 
   is limited (I believe to only 128 bytes). If any resident modules are 
   installed (i.e. PRINT, MODE, or GRAPHICS) the area cannot be expanded. 
   You can SET enough variables from within AUTOEXEC.BAT to get enough 
   space to get by. 
   I would also recommend setting up a set of conventions and preinitializing 
   the parms you'll use to '.'; Null parameters are removed from the 
   In summary - 
   The rules are simple 
           SET a parm without percent signs 
           refer to them by enclosing them in percent signs 
   I hope this discovery will generate a lot of re-thinking some BAT 
   PC/MS-DOS Tips (2.0/2.1)                                             3 
                    Current MSDOS 1.xx - 2.xx Disk formats  
                            (T. Jennings 19 Aug 83) 
             Disk Type                     Type Code 
        Single Density Single Sided 8"     (SD128) 
   **** Double Density Single Sided 8"     (DD1024) 
   **** FIDO's 8" Double Density           (DD1K) 
        Double Density Double Sided 8"     (DD1024-2) 
        IBM Displaywriter System disk      (SD256) 
        IBM Displaywriter System disk      (DD256-2) 
        IBM PC 8 Sector Single Sided       (IBM8) 
        IBM PC 9 Sector Single Sided       (IBM9) 
        IBM PC 8 Sector Double Sided       (IBM8-2) 
        IBM PC 9 Sector Double Sided       (IBM9-2) 
        Single Density Double Sided 8"     (SD128-2) 
   **** Never did get Microsoft to figure out which one these 
        is the "correct" 8 inch format. Who knows. 
        Type      Dir  Disk      Fats Blk  Res  Sec       FAT 
        Code      Size Size           size secs size      ID 
        SD128      68   251K     2     512  1    128      FE 
        DD1K      192   660K     2    1024  1   1024      FE 
        DD1024     96   612K     2    1024  1   1024      FE 
        DD1024-2  192  1232K     2    1024  1   1024      FF 
        SD256      80   287K     2     512  2    256      FA  Note 1 
        DD256-2   172  1001K     2    1024  2    256      FB  Note 2 
        IBM8       64   162K     2     512  1    512      FE 
        IBM9       64   180K     2     512  1    512      FC 
        IBM8-2    112   320K     2    1024  1    512      FF 
        IBM9-2    112   360K     2    1024  1    512      FD 
        SD128-2    68            2     512  4    128      FC 
        Type      trks secs res  sec  FAT  dir  1st  2nd  1st  1st  totl num. 
        Code           trk  secs size size size FAT  FAT  dir  data secs heads 
        SD128     77   26    1    128   6  17    1    7   13   30   2002  1 
        DD1024    77    8    1   1024   1   3    1    2    3    6    616  1 
        DD1024-2  77    8    1   1024   2   6    1    3    5   11   1232  2 
        SD256     77   15   17    256   4  10    2    6   10   20   1155  1 
									Note 1 
        DD256-2   77   26   54    256   6  20    2    8   14   34   4004  2
									Note 2 
        IBM8      40    8    1    512   1   4    1    2    3    7    320  1 
        IBM9      40    9    1    512   2   4    1    3    5    9    360  1 
        IBM8-2    40    8    1    512   1   7    1    3    5   10    640  2 
        IBM9-2    40    9    1    512   2   7    1    3    5   12    720  2 
        SD128-2   77    26   4    128  12  17    4   16   28   45   4004  2 
   Note 1: 
        15 sector bias in BIOS 
   Note 2: 
        52 sector bias in BIOS 
   PC/MS-DOS Tips (2.0/2.1)                                             4 
                      Additional feature in DEBUG command 
   There is a compare feature in DEBUG that is not in the documentation. Two  
   blocks  of  memory  can  be compared,  byte by byte  with  the  following  
          -C AD1 AD2 AD3 
   DEBUG will compare the memory block from AD1 to AD2 with the memory block  
   starting at AD3.  The results appear in a table showing both blocks  side  
   by side with the addresses and the corresponding contents. 
                     (from IBM.PC Users Group of Winnipeg) 
   PC/MS-DOS Tips (2.0/2.1)                                             5 
                             Program File Formats 
       The order of the segments in memory is determined by the linker;  and  
   all the segments are contiguous, unless you do some really determined and  
   tricky  hacking.  Supposedly,  the  linker  determines the order  of  the  
   segments by putting them in "alphabetical order by segment name",  or  at  
   least  that's what the documentation says it's supposed to do;  but  I've  
   found  that it puts them in the order in which they're encountered in the  
   program  source  code,   unless  you  create  a  dummy  file  (see   LINK  
   instructions)  with  a different sequence and make it first in  the  LINK  
   list  of  OBJ modules.  (I generally put them in source in  the  sequence  
   code,  data,  stack;  they  always come out in that order,  regardless of  
   segment names,  unless I use the dummy file.  Let's assume that  sequence  
   for the remainder of this discussion.) 
      With an .EXE file, just before execution, the registers are as follows: 
   AX        - ostensibly per doc, zero; seems to contain the number 
                of characters in the command tail, though 
   BX:CX     - 32-bit number showing load module memory size in bytes 
                (good for dynamically allocating memory) 
   DX        - zero 
   SS:SP     - if you defined a stack segment, these are loaded 
                accordingly; if not, SS=CS, SP=0FFFFH or end of 
   DS and ES - SEGMENT address of "program header" (see below) 
   CS:IP     - far address of label in "END" statement of program 
      The  program  header  is  the standard 256-byte  .COM  file  "header",  
   similar  to what you would expect to see at 00-FFH in CP/M 2.x  (but  see  
   doc for important differences!).  Therefore, DS = CS - 10H (which is 100H  
   divided by 10H) if the code seg is the first (owest) in memory,  because  
   it points to a location 100H before the start of the code seg. 
   PC/MS-DOS Tips (2.0/2.1)                                             6 
                             Program File Formats   (Cont'd) 
      Now, if CS is, say, 9E3H when you come up, then DS and ES will contain  
   9D3H.  (Remember,  though, that your code thinks it starts at 9E3:0, zero  
   being  the  address  you  specified  in  your  END  directive,   and  the  
   instruction  pointer  will  actually  contain zero.)  These  values  have  
   nothing  at all to do with the place at which your data seg  is  located;  
   they  point at that "program header".  At location 9D3:80 (DS:80) is  the  
   command  tail,  if  you're gonna reference that;  its length is in AX  (I  
   believe) and is also pointed to by the expression DS:80 (just like  CP/M;  
   data  starts  at 81H),  or to say it another way,  in this case  absolute  
   memory location 09DB0 (09D30+80).  But your code segment  is,  say,  400H  
   long,  and  the  linker knew that 'cause the assembler told it so in  the  
   seg, the instructions 
           MOV     AX,DATASEG 
           MOV     DS,AX 
           MOV     ES,AX 
   (where DATASEG is the name of your data segment) will have been  resolved  
   by  the  linker  in this way;  the first instruction of those  three  was  
   interpreted by the assembler as an immediate move,  but the "data" to  be  
   moved  into AX was marked as relocatable.  The linker leaves instructions  
   for the loader to add 9E3H (or whatever address the loader decided was  a  
   good  place  to put the program) to the value of the "constant"  DATASEG,  
   which  is  equal  to 40H (400H/10H) because it's being  "loaded"  into  a  
   segment  register,  and when you look at that instruction under DEBUG  it  
   would  say  MOV AX,0A23H.  (Obviously,  this is the  process  of  address  
   resolution.) In absolute addresses, the codeseg starts at 09E30H, and the  
   dataseg  400H later at 0A230H;  in 8086 shorthand that's 9E3:0 and  A23:0  
   respectively.  (This  assumes the stackseg is last,  say at  A98:0;  that  
   would  imply  that  your data seg  was  (0A98H-0A23H)*10H,  or  750H,  in  
      Almost  all  instructions  accessing data use DS as  "base"  register,  
   unless  you  override that with a prefix (as in  MOV  AX,ES:BLKCTR).  All  
   instructions  accessing  storage  require one of the  segregs  as  "base"  
   register.  (String primitives ALWAYS work with DS and/or ES and can't  be  
   overridden by a prefix;  instructions using BP as an "index" are relative  
   to  SS,  unless  overridden  by a prefix;  otherwise,  it's DS  when  not  
   overridden. Be careful!) 
   PC/MS-DOS Tips (2.0/2.1)                                             7 
                             Program File Formats   (Cont'd) 
      In BAL,  you give the assembler a USING statement;  that tells it that  
   offsets  will  be  computed relative to the first operand  of  the  USING  

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