gordonl@microsoft.UUCP (Gordon Letwin) (08/29/84)
I've seen several articles recently on the location and use of the "INDOS" flag to allow system calls from within interrupt service routines. Naturally, you own your machines and your software and can do whatever you please, but those writting software for distribution and/or support should be aware of (what I hope is) the obvious: 1) this is not supported under any version of the DOS 2) it usually works under DOS 2, but there may be circumstances when it doesn't (general disclaimer, don't know of a specific circumstance) 3) it will usually not work under DOS 3 and DOS 3.1; the DOS is considerably restructured and this flag takes on additional meanings and uses 4) it will fail catestrophically under DOS 4.0 and forward. This is just a specific example of the generic principle for all software products: "if it isn't documented then it isn't supported and will probably go away or change in future releases." Gordon Letwin Microsoft