[net.micro.pc] Sell me a nice micro.

ctk@ecsvax.UUCP (09/06/84)

Hello, a group in our department is looking for four fairly large micros.
The machines will be used for communication with supercomputers located out
of state (via telenet, we think) and for local editing and *testing*. Most
of our code is floating point intensive. We've talked to ibm about the AT
and it looks good for the money (in terms of size, lots of ram, big hard
disk ) but it's a bit slow on floats. However there are C and **FORTRAN**
compilers that actually work. The IBM reps said that the compilers, the
Personal Editor, and most programs that call BIOS will work on the AT.
	My question is:  are we overlooking a good machine somewhere else?
Is there a 68000 box with hardware floats that we can get for < $9000
complete with keyboard, screen, C, FORTRAN (working, please), a decent full
screen editor, and a programmable serial port? With educational discount the
AT looks good for us (we'd like a 20m hard disk at a minimum).
	If you know of, or better yet sell, such a box please let me know
about it (via mail, please. This is not a stonehenge, star wars, or net.micro.
msdos article). If I get enough interesting responses I'll report back to the

	Thanks in advance --

    C.T. Kelley
    Dept. of Math.
    N.C. State U.
    Raleigh, N.C. 27650