[net.micro.pc] Need help from PC/MS-DOS guru

cmi@dartvax.UUCP (Theo Pozzy/R. Green) (10/05/84)

Help!  I am struggling to understand an apparent inconsistency
in the MS/PC-DOS (2.X) operating system.  I am trying to run a
program by loading it in, setting up the Program Segment Prefix,
registers, etc., and setting the Terminate Exit Address to my
own termination trap routine.

This works fine in most cases, and with most programs I try to
run.  If however,  I run a program which uses the new DOS 04CH
terminate process call,  I can only run it once;  the second time,
I return straight to the operating system.

I'm not the only one who has this problem.  WordStar's run command
also fails in exactly the same manner.  And if you run a program
loaded by DEBUG more than once, you also return to the operating
system (instead of DEBUG).  As an example of two short assembly
language programs which excersize the bug, consider the following:

; This program terminates by jumping to location 0 in the Program
; Segment Prefix,  which simply executes an INT 20H, a documented
; way of terminating a program.  This program may be run multiple
; times under another program with no problems.
	assume	ds:dseg,ss:sseg

sseg	segment	stack 'stack'
	db	512 dup (?)
stk	equ	$
sseg	ends

dseg	segment	'data'
msg	db	'hello',0dh,0ah,'$'
xxx	dw	0
yyy	dw	0

dseg	ends

cseg	segment	'code'

	assume	cs:cseg

	mov	ax,dseg		; set up ds
	mov	ds,ax

	mov	ah,9
	lea	dx,msg
	int	21h

	mov	word ptr xxx,0
	mov	word ptr yyy,es
	jmp	dword ptr xxx

cseg	ends


The following program is the one that fails:

; This program terminates using the new DOS 2.X 4CH terminate process
; call.  It cannot be run twice under one execution of another program;
; the second run will return straight to the operating system.

	assume	ds:dseg,ss:sseg

sseg	segment	stack 'stack'
	db	512 dup (?)
stk	equ	$
sseg	ends

dseg	segment	'data'
msg	db	'hello',0dh,0ah,'$'
xxx	dw	0
yyy	dw	0

dseg	ends

cseg	segment	'code'

	assume	cs:cseg

	mov	ax,dseg		; set up ds
	mov	ds,ax

	mov	ah,9
	lea	dx,msg
	int	21h

	mov	ah,04ch
	mov	al,0
	int	21h

cseg	ends


I would be grateful if anyone can enlighten me as to what is
going on,  and hopefully how to get around this problem.

Thanks in advance,

Theo Pozzy
Corporate Microsystems, Inc.

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