Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA (10/26/84)
From: Info-IBMPC Digest <Info-IBMPC@USC-ISIB.ARPA> Date: 25 Oct 1984 12:28:33 PDT Subject: New IBM Printers From: Billy <BRACKENRIDGE@USC-ISIB.ARPA> To: info-ibmpc@USC-ISIB.ARPA IBM has released several new printers/typewriters. An edited text of this announcement is in <INFO-IBMPC>PRINTERS.IBM. There have been some queries in INFO-IBMPC regarding printer support by IBM DisplayWrite software; these printers are supported. The cheaper model is a 25 cps daisy wheel impact printer. It is similar to a Diablo. It has a keyboard option (or rather the typwriter has a printer option) and appears to be the new standard IBM typewriter. The fancy model of this typewriter has a 7000 word (whatever a word is) memory and even a spelling checker! The more expensive model is called "QuietWriter". This device runs at 40 to 60 cps depending on mode. I couldn't figure out how the thing works, but it uses a ribbon and makes no noise. The output quality rivals laser printers. One changes fonts by inserting ROM cartridges. Two ROM font cartridges can be resident at one time. I understand there is a ROM that has the IBM-PC extended character set. While IBM has published a long list of software they claim is compatible with these printers, I don't know if any of these programs take advantage of the many features such as proportional spacing, boldface, and enlarged characters. ------- -------