[net.micro.pc] PC and XT compatibles for sale

rfs@loral.UUCP () (11/16/84)

I'm not a dealer and I know commercialism is discouraged on the net
but I thought I'd pass this deal on to you anyways.

I can get IBM PC and XT	compatible computers at	dirt cheap prices.
These computers	are made off shore and look very much like the IBM
PC and XT.  Same paint color and style.	 I have	one and	I've run
Lotus 123, Flight simulator, Wordstar and lots of other	programs
at it and it works like	a champ!.  These computers don't have basic
built into the firmware.  You can get GW Basic that works fine and is
Basica compatible.  Here is the	deal:

PC compatible computer ( 8 slot):

Keytronic 1550 keyboard	(PC compatible)
2 360k half high disk drives with controller card
color grahics card.
Printer	card.
Serial card.
$ 1655

With RGB hi-res	(640 x 500) monitor.
$ 2055

XT compatible computer ( 8 slot)

Keytonic 1550 keyboard (PC compatible)
2 360k half high drives	with disk controller card
10 mb hard disk	with controller	card (built in)
Color graphics card.
Printer	card.
Serial card.
$ 2450

With RGB hi-res	monitor.
$ 2850

I don't stock them.  With an order I can get what you want in 7-10 days.
Calif residents	have to	pay 6% sales tax.

I don't know how long this will last.  If your interested mail direct to
me and give me a night time phone number and I'll call you.