ctk@ecsvax.UUCP (05/03/84)
I have a question about ram disk programs that come with memory cards and their relation to device drivers. If you use, for example, the AST Superdrive program, the directions tell you to set the switches for one more floppy drive than you really have. I you have a driver for nonstandard floppies (like 80 track drives, or 3") you set the switches for fewer drives than you really have. Is there a way out of this dilemma? C.T. Kelley Dept. of Math. N.C. State U. Raleigh, N.C. 27650 decvax!mcnc!ecsvax!ctk
glenm@mako.UUCP (Glen McCluskey) (11/29/84)
A friend of mine has been working on developing a system that will allow a PC to treat a file on a VAX (running VMS) as a disk drive. This is accomplished by writing a server for the VAX and a device driver for the PC that knows how to talk to the VAX server through the serial port. There is also a utility program that runs on the PC that can be used to tell the VAX to create, delete, or select files to use as virtual disks. The problem is this: it would be nice if the file on the VAX did not have to be a hardwired size -- it is desirable to let it be X number of blocks, where X is completely up to the user. MSDOS, however, will not recognize the size specified in the boot block -- it gets loaded into memory whenever MSDOS calls the driver with the BUILD_BPB instruction, but the new size is ignored in subsequent DIR and CHKDSK commands. MSDOS is obviously capable of changing dynamically -- one can put a SSSD disk into a drive and MSDOS will recognize it and won't keep thinking there is a DSDD disk there -- but how can a device driver force the new size to be recognized? Glen McCluskey ..tektronix!mako!glenm