[net.micro.pc] IBM-compatible PC for sale

figmo@tymix.UUCP (Lynn Gold) (12/19/84)

For sale:

Columbia MPC with graphics and monitor -- runs all top PC software including
LOTUS 1-2-3, dBaseII/III, Wordstar, Fastgraphs, and Flight Simulator.

Comes with "tons of software" including word processor, spelling checker,
and spreadsheet (Perfect Series - EMACS-compatible commands), and Perfect
Writer (an EMACS-like editor).


128k bytes memory and 256k memory board available
2 serial ports and one parallel port (printer cable included)
8 expansion slots
Power supply and ROM support hard disk
Two double-sided drives

DOS 2.11 and CP/M 86 operating systems
Perfect Series, including Perfect Filer
IBM-compatible BASIC and BASICA
Home Accountant, Fast Graphs, Ram Disk, Assembler, Xref
Tutor, Diagnostics, Asynch Comm (Perfect Link)
Debugger in ROM and in DOS
Space Commanders (game)

The Price:	$2000.00 or best offer
Contact:	Mike Andrakin
		    work: (408) 446-6774
		    home: (408) 374-2874