[net.micro.pc] kermit and shared networks

hart@cp1.UUCP (rod) (02/01/85)

>From uunvuxe Fri Feb  1 11:00:21 1985
>Received: by cp1.UUCP (4.0)
>	id: AA01523; Fri,  1 Feb 85 11:00:21 EST
>From gkc Thu Jan 31 22:40 EST 1985 remote from nvuxe
>	My 14 years son told me that there is an article in each of the
>June '84 and July '84 issues of Byte on Kermit by Frank da Cruz and
>Bill Catchings.  According to that article, the Kermit Protocol was
>designed for point-to-point communications.  I was wondering if you
>might know any implementation of Kermit in a shared data network,
>such as Telenet or Tymnet packet switched network.  This may be a
>worthwhile thing to look into.
>				George

Can anyone provide an answer to the above question?