johnl@ima.UUCP (02/11/85)
I have a PC/XT, and its 10MB disk is full, so I'm looking at possibilities for increasing my disk space. This situation is a little different from adding a disk to a PC, since I already have a disk controller (the one that came with the XT) and a 130 watt power supply. I also have my front panel full, but would like to try to keep all the stuff in one box if practical. Also, I have no free long slots in the box. Possibility 1 - Replace the floppy drive with a 1/2 height floppy and a 1/2 height 10MB disk. This looks like it should work, except for a few nits. Are there standard sources for mounting hardware for 1/2 height drives in an XT? How about for getting the extra power connector I need, probably by plugging a Y-connector into one of the existing power cords. Possibility 2 - Replace the 10MB drive with a 20MB drive. Detailed staring at the XT technical reference suggests that the BIOS should be able to handle a 20MB drive if two switches that I can't find are set appropriately. Anybody do this? If so, do DOS and utilities work right? I use DOS 3.0 which handles the AT's 20MB disk, so there may be some hope. Possibility 2A - Same as 2 but replace the IBM disk controller. I'd prefer not to, since a disk controller costs money. Remember that I don't have room for both the IBM controller and another one. Other suggestions are welcome. John Levine, Javelin Software, Cambridge MA 617-494-1400 { decvax!cca | yale | bbncca | allegra | cbosgd | ihnp4 }!ima!johnl Levine@YALE.ARPA
lauren@vortex.UUCP (Lauren Weinstein) (02/12/85)
My XT already contained all the appropriate cabling for either a second floppy drive or a second hard drive. I removed the floppy (and put it in a separate case at the end of a long cable where I work) and slipped a Miniscribe 17 megabyte drive in where the floppy used to be. Everything has worked fine, including the power supply. However, since I was a little bit concerned about heat buildup, I now run the PC without its outer cover (no big deal since I have it in a rack anyway). This may not have really been necessary, but it made me feel a bit better. --Lauren--
hu@smu.UUCP (02/15/85)
We here at Dallas also have the same problem. So if you received some advise, could you please give us a copy or post them in the net? Thanks in advance. Yu-hen Hu hu@smu
hu@smu.UUCP (02/18/85)
Please check the following company, they offer trade-in of your 10M full height hard disk and get a 20M back at about $350. No need to worry about power or disk controller card. Sabet Electronics 13650 Floyd Rd., Suite 104 Dallas, Tx. 75243 (214) 783-4950 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon. - Sat. You might found what you want. By the way, they also furnish half height 10M hard disk.