[net.micro.pc] RAM Disk Action Symbol

bjorn@dataio.UUCP (Bjorn Benson) (05/25/85)

Question:  Are you one of those people who 
	   enjoys front panel lights on computers?

Question:  Do you use a RAM Disk with your IBM-PC?

If you answered yes to both those questions, then this 
patch is for ==> YOU <==.

This patch goes into the IBM distributed RAM Disk and causes a rotating
action symbol symbol to be displayed in the upper-left corner of the 
screen (Mono or Color) whenever the RAM Disk is accessed.

This distribution consists of two files: 
	PATCH.ASM	the assembly language source to this patch
	PATCH.DO	a command file that installs the patch

Do NOT (repeat: NOT) assemble the source and try to patch it that way.
The source is only supplied for reference.  The VDISK.SYS file is 
already linked into a .COM representation and so the
addresses and such are different than the source.

Oh, and the commands to install the patch are:

(3) edit CONFIG.SYS and change the reference from VDISK to ADISK

(note that the original is VDISK and is saved, the new one is ADISK
 which stands for Action_symbol_virtual_DISK).

				Bjorn Benson

	page ,132
	title VDISK Patches - Display an action symbol
; Written by Bjorn Benson and Walter Bright
;	..!uw-beaver!entropy!dataio!bjorn	-and-
;	..!uw-beaver!entropy!dataio!bright
; This file is a set of patches to be made to the VDISK.SYS RAM disk
; program supplied with PC-DOS 3.x.  Once the patches are made, an
; action symbol will be displayed in the upper left of the video screen
; when the RAM disk is accessed.  Note that this patch uses the same
; code area as the Extended Memory option of the RAM disk, so the
; patched RAM disk will not work with Extended Memory (however, it
; will NOT crash if you try)
; Anyone reading this code is assumed to have a listing of the RAM
; disk code as given out by IBM.  Otherwise it the code is hard to
; understand.
cseg segment para public 'code'
	assume	cs:cseg
; Patch in the command dispatcher to call the action
; symbol display routine.
;___Current Code___	____New Code____
;	  .		  .
;	  .		  .
;	PUSH	DI	  "
;	PUSH	SI	  "
;	  .		  .
;	  .		  .
	org	00D9H
	jmp	action_symbol
; Patch the extended memory driver routines to always return
; an error.
;____New Code____
	org	01CCH
	jmp	inout_em_xe
; And now, execute the instructions that written over by the jump
; to this routine.
	push	dx
	push	di
	push	si
; Finally, the real action symbol displaying routine.  This works
; by incrementing a counter and using it to index into a table of
; characters to display.  This character is then written to the upper
; left of both the Monochrome and Color display areas.
	push	ds		; save DS
	push	cs
	pop	ds		; make DS point to CS segment
	assume	ds:cseg		;

	mov	bl,count        ; count = (count + 1) mod 3
	inc	bx		; 
	and	bl,3		; 	-in other words-
	xor	bh,bh		; 
	mov	count,bl        ; count = 0..3

	mov	al,data[bx]     ; ax = character + attribute
	mov	ah,7		; 

	mov	bx,2*79		;
	mov	cx,0B000H	; display character on monochrome
	mov	ds,cx		; 
	mov	[bx],ax		; 

	mov	cx,0B800H	; display character on color
	mov	ds,cx		; 
	mov	[bx],ax		; 

	pop	ds		; restore DS
	jmp	after_action	; and return to normal RAM disk code
; And last, but not least, is the data area.
; Count -- the counter that goes from 0..3
; Data  -- the table of characters to display
	org	0200H
count	db	0
data	db	'|/-\'

	org	0275H
inout_em_xe:	; Extended Memory error return
cseg	ends
e 01d9
e9 f3 00
e 02cc
e9 a6 00 52
e 02d0
57 56 1e 0e 1f 8a 1e 00 02 43 80 e3 03 32 ff 88
e 02e0
1e 00 02 8a 87 01 02 b4 07 bb 9e 00 b9 00 b0 8e
e 02f0
d9 89 07 b9 00 b8 8e d9 89 07 1f e9 de fe
e 0300
00 7c 2f 2d 5c