[net.micro.pc] GeeWizzz! Gag me with a MID$

vlv@drux1.UUCP (Vaughn Vernon) (07/15/85)

HUH ... BASIC?  GeeWizzz! Gag me with a MID$("*SPOON*!", 2, 5)

I have been trying to run a program (if that's what you call BASIC)
under GWBASIC which was written and saved in protected mode under
BASICA.  I get the error "Path not found in 25" and I'm kinda sure
that the thing isn't trying to create a directory or open a file
or anything like that.  What are the incompatabilities with these
two BASIC's.  I thought GWBASIC was created to give everyone out
there, daring enough to even attemp to write something useful in BASIC,
the right stuff to *port* from PC's which is ROM dependant for it's BASIC.

Can someone help me? (BASICA under DOS 2.1x - GWBASIC PC 6300 2.11)

Does anyone have the code (source too?) to unprotect a BASIC program so
I can figure this out.  I saw the program on FIDO but I couldn't get my
XMODEM to do the trick, you know, play fetch.  This would be a big help.
I would like this program reguardless of this problem's solution.

					Vaughn Vernon
					AT&T ISL
					Denver, CO

All that disclaimer stuff.  Besides, my intelligence is artificial!

"And now for something completely different."