[net.micro.pc] source

tj@utcs.uucp (tj) (10/05/85)

I typed in the source, and it won't compile. Piss me off. So I typed
in the damn basic program and it didn't work. I fixed that. here is one
that works for me.

10  dim e$(10)
20  e$(1) ="Disk Error: "
30  e$(2) ="No Response "
40  e$(3) ="Failed Seek "
50  e$(4) ="NEC Error   "
60  e$(5) ="Bad CRC Seen"
70  e$(6) ="DMA Overrun "
80  e$(7) ="Bad Sec Rqst"
90  e$(8) ="No Addr Mark"
100 e$(9) ="Write Prot. "
110 e$(10)="Unknown Err."
120 open "dskwatch.com" as #1 len = 1
130 print "Creating DSKWATCH.COM"
140 field #1,1 as byte.$
141 for n = 1 to 194
142 read byte.%
143 if byte.% <> -1 goto 220
150 for i = 1 to 10
160 for j = 1 to 12
170 lset byte.$ = mid$(e$(i),j,1)
180 put #1
190 next j
200 next i
210 goto 240
220 lset byte.$ = chr$(byte.%)
230 put #1
240 next n
250 close #1
260 print "Done..."
270 end
300 data 233, 251, 0,   -1,  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0
310 data 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   156, 46
320 data 255, 30,  129, 1,   156, 46,  143, 6,   125, 1
330 data 114, 3,   235, 63,  144, 80,  81,  82,  87,  86
340 data 6,   46,  141, 54,  3,   1,   186, 0,   176, 142
350 data 194, 46,  139, 62,  127, 1,   46,  3,   62,  123
360 data 1,   232, 57,  0,   182, 128, 185, 7,   0,   58
370 data 230, 116, 15,  131, 198, 12,  208, 238, 226, 245
380 data 128, 252, 3,   116, 3,   131, 198, 12,  232, 30
390 data 0,   7,   94,  95,  90,  89,  88,  46,  143, 6
410 data 133, 1,   46,  143, 6,   135, 1,   131, 196, 2
420 data 46,  255, 54,  125, 1,   157, 46,  255, 46,  133
430 data 1,   185, 12,  0,   46,  164, 176, 7,   38,  136
440 data 5,   71,  226, 246, 195, 184, 0,   0,   142, 216
450 data 161, 76,  0,   46,  163, 129, 1,   161, 78,  0
460 data 46,  163, 131, 1,   199, 6,   76,  0,   137, 1
470 data 140, 14,  78,  0,   180, 15,  205, 16,  128, 236
480 data 25,  208, 228, 46,  136, 38,  123, 1,   168, 4
490 data 117, 7,   46,  199, 6,   127, 1,   0,   128, 186
500 data 254, 1,   205, 39
I hope this works for you. I can't remember whether this is really the
standard version or one I added mods to to make it flash at me. I think this
is virgin. (I zapped the com file I think...) (good programming eh...)