[net.micro.pc] Don't buy from PC's Limited

ghs@mordred (Gregory H. Smith) (10/05/85)

I have recently seen queries over the net about PC's Limited hard disks
for the IBM PC (20 meg hard disk advertised for about $500.00 with 
controller).  I have some words of caution about prospective buyers.  I
purchased a 20 meg disk for a Zenith Z-150.  I was concerned about it
being compatable with the Zenith since the advertisement was for PC's and
questioned the salesman about it.  He assured me that they were compatible
and that they had been checked out for the Zenith by their technical 
support section without any problems.  Based on that I bought the disk.

After installation I booted the machine and got a "grinding" noise from
the 'A' disk (sounds like the heads are doing very rapid forward and
backward seeks) but the hard disk booted.  My suspicion is that there is
some incompatibility between the hard disk (or its controller) and the
boot diagnostics that the machine runs. 

To make a long story short, I called PC's limited tech support and they
said "we've never tested the disk in a Zenith, you should never have been
sold the machine", they passed me to the salesman who said "I've sold lots
of them without any problem", he passed me to customer service who said
(in so many words) "it's your problem".  The hard disk works fine but
my 'A' drive is slowly being destroyed each time I boot the machine.

The bottom line is caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.
