[net.micro.pc] Looking for WATFOR compiler

dukelow@noscvax.UUCP (Robert A. Dukelow) (10/02/85)

Does anyone know if a compiler named WATFOR is available for either
PC-DOS or CP/M? If so, where? My daughter is learning it in her high
school class and would like to have it at home to make life easier.
--Bob Dukelow (dukelow@nosc)

campbell@watdcsu.UUCP (Colin Campbell [DCS]) (10/07/85)

> Does anyone know if a compiler named WATFOR is available for either
> PC-DOS or CP/M? If so, where? My daughter is learning it in her high
> school class and would like to have it at home to make life easier.
> --Bob Dukelow (dukelow@nosc)

WATFOR77 is available for PC-DOS from:
        WATCOM Products Inc
        415 Phillip Street
        Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
        N2L 3X2
        (519) 886-3700
        Telex 06-955 458
It is available for other systems, too (e.g. IBM VM/CMS), but I don't
think it runs under CP/M.  It supports the full FORTRAN 77 standard.
Your daugther may be using WATFOR on a DEC mini in which case I believe
it would be a FORTRAN 66 compiler (from the same people).  (btw WATCOM
Products markets software developed by the WATCOM Group, as well as
software developed at the University of Waterloo - where I am employed.)