[net.micro.pc] PCjr questions

wsl@eosp1.UUCP (Warren Lobel) (10/19/84)

I have several questions regarding the IBM PCjr.

(1) I recently purchased a PCjr and have come quickly to the realization that
    if I want to do any serious software development I will need a couple
    additional peripherals. Namely, a 2nd drive (floppy or hard) and a printer.

    I was wondering if anybody out there in netland could recommend a good price
    for a 2nd drive and a printer, not necessarily  to be purchased together.
    (Note: I have the TECMAR 128K captain board already so additional memory 
     isn't high on my list of addons).

(2) I was wondering what is the best deal for a C-development package that
    will work on the JR; I already know that there are are several C packages
    for the 'regular' PC.

(3) I just read a rumor on the net that Borland (makers of what is considered
    a great PASCAL system; TURBO PASCAL) is about to come out with a TURBO-C.
    Does anybody have any more details about this and will it be available for
    the PCjr?

(4) Finally, I know ROGUE is available for the IBM PC. Will this run on the
    JR and where can I get it?

			Thanks, in advance for all those
			kind enough to reply,

					Warren S. Lobel
					Exxon Office Systems
					Princeton NJ

jim@umcp-cs.UUCP (Jim Williams) (12/22/85)

	I am helping some friends who have a PCjr and who want to
upgrade it some.  They have a jr with a disk drive, an extra 64K
RAM card (total 128K) and an outboard parallel port.  They want to
add a second drive, more memory, and connect the serial port to the
an external modem.  To help them with this I need to know a few
things that aren't in the documentation.  Here's my list:

1. What is the pin-out of the 16-pin header connector for the
   serial port?  I need to make a cable to go from that to a
   DB25 connector.

2. The internal drive has its drive select jumper on 1, not 0!
   If I add a second drive, how do I address it? As drive 2? 3?

3. What is the best route for memory expansion? Tecmar? Conroy-
   LaPointe is one of the few mail-order places I have found that
   still advertizes PCjr stuff.  Anybody dealt with these people?
   I advised my friends that the best thing to do would be to
   replace the existing 64K card with a larger one rather that go
   to an expansion chassis just to get the slots for extra
   memory, because the chassis are so expansive.

Much thanks to any and all who can help me!
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Jim \/\/illiams