[net.micro.pc] changing from color to monochrome screens

msugiyam@muddcs.UUCP (Marc Sugiyama) (01/26/86)

Someone posted an article asking how to change from monochrome to color
screens on an IBM PC.  I wasn't able to respond via mail, but over the
last few months a number of people have asked this question.

If you haven't tossed your BASIC manual, the information you need is
there, toward the back, in one of the appendices.  I can't seem to find
it in the BASIC 3.0 manual, but it is in the version 2.0 manual.  In
any event, the only real trick is that you have to change the "equipment"
flags, to make bios change the screen.  Really, the machine only thinks
that it has one display.  If you want to change from one screen to the
other, you simply change the monochrome or color monitor adapter flags.
You will have to store the cursor position if you don't want to have to
clear the screen.  BIOS only keeps a single copy of the cursor position,
you'll have to keep one for each screen.

In any event, attached are two programs which make this clearer.  Both
are assembly .com files.  The first (COLOR) changes to the color screen
and the second (MONO) changes to the monochrome screen.  Both clear
the screen when performing the switch so I don't have to keep track
of the cursor position.  Hope this helps.

; Initialize color/graphics screen
data	segment at 40h
rs232_base	dw 4 dup (?)
printer_base	dw 4 dup (?)
equip_flag	dw ?
data	ends
code	segment
	org 100h
	assume ds:data,cs:code
program	proc near
	push ds
	mov ax,data
	mov ds,ax
	and equip_flag,0cfh
	or equip_flag,10h
	mov ax,0500h
	int 10h
	mov ax,0001h
	int 10h
	mov ah,01h
	mov cx,0607h
	int 10h
	pop ds
program	endp
code	ends
	end program

; Initialize monochrome screen
data	segment at 40h
rs232_base	dw 4 dup (?)
printer_base	dw 4 dup (?)
equip_flag	dw ?
data	ends
code	segment
	assume ds:data,cs:code
	org 100h
program	proc near
	push ds
	mov ax,data
	mov ds,ax
	or equip_flag,30h
	mov ax,0500h
	int 10h
	mov ax,0003h
	int 10h
	mov ah,01h
	mov cx,0c0dh
	int 10h
	pop ds
program	endp
code	ends
	end program

Marc Sugiyama
bitnet: msugiyam@fourcc.bitnet
apra: sugiyama@ucbmiro.arpa or sugiyama@ingres.apra
uucp: ucbvax!trwrb!scgvaxd!muddcs!msugiyam
USnail: Platt Campus Center
	Harvey Mudd College
	Claremont, CA, 91711