jwg@duke.UUCP (Jeffrey William Gillette) (03/31/86)
[] I am pleased to be able to announce the latest version of the Duke Language Toolkit (v. 2.10). The Language Toolkit is a series of programs that allows one to display foreign alphabets / fonts on the screen of a suitably equipped IBM PC or clone, and print the text on a number of popular printers. This software is the fruit of the humanities computing project at Duke (COLOE). New features added to version 2.10 include a generic font editor, support for printers (including the Toshiba P351, IBM Proprinter, and Epson FX-80/85), and a new version of Loadfont which supports fonts of 256 and 512 characters on screen display of 25 or 43 lines - the Loadfont program allows application program control, command line arguments (for batch files), and an interactive "popped-up" menu available from within most commercial programs. To use the Duke Language Toolkit one must have each of the following three classes of items: an IBM PC/XT/AT or TRUE clone (i.e. at the BIOS level); the product IBM markets under the name "Enhanced Graphics Adapter" or the "EGA Plus" from STB (the Vega and Quadram EGA clones are reported also to work, but they have not been tested at Duke); and a monochrome or Enhanced Color Display (sorry but neither composite video monitors nor the standard Color Graphics Display work with the Language Toolkit). As with previous versions of the Language Toolkit, Duke is willing to provide this software free of charge to interested scholars and institutions. To obtain a copy please send two diskettes with stamped return mailers to me at the following address: Jeffrey William Gillette uucp: duke!phys!lisa The Divinity School BITNET: DYBBUK at TUCCVM Duke University Durham, NC 27706 -- SUPERCHICKEN